Shortcut to open 1Password proper from 1Password mini

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Since I was not able find any previous discussion on this topic for 1Password 7 beta for Mac, I wanted to ask about the following feature idea:
I sometimes would like to be able to quickly and effortlessly switch from having 1Password mini open to actually opening the app.
This is possible via the 1Password mini gear icon, then selecting "Open 1Password".

My feature idea would be to allow for triggering this via a keyboard shortcut (e.g. ⌥⌘O) in order to do this more quickly and easily.

Would this be helpful to others, or is this something not very many people besides me do? Such a shortcut would also allow the user to open 1Password quickly by typing ⌥⌘\, followed by ⌥⌘O.

1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-7 (70000007)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.13.4
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ottonomy
    Community Member
    edited April 2018


    @hnn, I've been wanting this since the functionality was removed from the Safari plugin back in 2011. I find that I often open 1Password mini and discover that I'm not going to be able to complete the task at hand without opening the full application. I have never understood why the command to do so is buried behind the settings gear. I think it should be in the root menu of 1P mini, and should have a keyboard shortcut right there in plain view for users to see and learn.

  • Hi @hnn and @ottonomy! Thanks for the suggestion. This certainly could be quite handy, and I agree it should be in there. I'll chat with the team about adding it. :)

    ref: apple-683

  • hnn
    Community Member

    Thank you. I really like how 1Password 7 is shaping up. Please give my regards to the team!

  • Thanks for the kind words, @hnn.


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