CMD-\ in Safari brings up full application

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

When the 1Password database is locked, pressing CMD-\ in Safari brings up the entire application after the master password is entered instead of just the quick menu.

1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-7
Extension Version: 7.0.BETA-7
OS Version: macOS 10.13.4
Sync Type: iCloud & Dropbox


  • Hi @elDub

    I'm not able to reproduce this on my computer. Could you please let me know what version of Safari you're using as well as what version of the Safari App Extension you have installed (Safari > Preferences > Extensions > 1Password)? Also: please confirm while you're there that there is only one 1Password extension installed.



  • elDub
    Community Member

    Safari 11.1, and there is only one browser extension installed and it is the version that I listed above.

    Prior to posting this issue I noticed the browser extension was 7.0.BETA-6 so I quit and restarted Safari and verified that it was now 7.0.BETA-7.

  • elDub
    Community Member

    Also worth noting is that the global key sequence of CMD-OPT-\ also brings up the full application after the password is entered.

  • I just updated to Safari 11.1 so I could attempt to reproduce this with the same versions you're using, but still have not been able to. None of the keyboard shortcuts for 1Password launch the main app for me...

    Please try creating a new user account on your Mac and see if you're able to recreate the problem there:

    macOS Sierra: Set up users, guests, and groups on your Mac

    (I realize the instructions say macOS Sierra, but they also apply to High Sierra)


  • elDub
    Community Member

    With a brand new user and an empty local library it does not appear to be happening.

    With my existing primary account which consists of 1 iCloud and 1 Dropbox vault, it happens consistently after the vault has been locked. I do either the CMD-\ within Safari, or CMD-OPT-\ in any other application, enter the vault password, hit return and then 1Password application loads and the normal quick UI disappears.

    I don't know if it is anything related, but even though it is listed as a valid shortcut in the menu, the shortcut for Preferences (CMD-,) does not work.

  • elDub
    Community Member

    Hi again @Ben,

    So I did a reboot and things seem to be operating more normal. I did notice that as the computer booted up that 1Password came up in the dock for a few seconds and then disappeared. Now when I use either shortcut for 1Password, the expected quick selection UI comes up and no full application.

    Sorry about that... I should always try a reboot first. I guess the good part of this is that it might be something that could happen to others when upgrading the app.

  • elDub
    Community Member

    Oh, and the Preferences shortcut is again working too! Is there a chance that the BETA-7 installer was not completely terminating any existing background processes related to the prior version, in this case BETA-6?

  • 1Password briefly showing in the dock is expected. Glad to hear a reboot seems to have fixed things up. :) There is/was an issue with the installer not properly quitting 1Password but that will be fixed in the next beta if it isn’t already.


  • stillmoms
    Community Member

    I cannot replicate this problem in my usual environment so it's possible this is a side effect of my wacky setup. That said, I'm having a problem with 1Password 7 BETA 8 in my macOS 10.12.6 VM environment in VMware Fusion where I'll hide the main 1Password window, but then activating 1Password mini from the menubar or from the Safari extension causes the main window to reappear. At that point I cannot hide the window again, but when I again activate 1Password mini, the main window disappears. As soon as I close 1Password mini again, it reappears (but does not steal focus). The only solution is to fully quit and restart 1Password.

    I'm seeing something vaguely akin to this in my non-VM, native environment in macOS 10.13.4 where if 1Password is hidden, activating 1Password mini in Safari or via the menubar causes the main window to briefly flash on the screen before disappearing again. Unlike in the VM, however, this does not cause the window to persist on the screen. Switching to 1Password via Cmd+Tab and/or clicking the dock icon causes the main window to reappear, and it is able to be hidden again without issue. The flash is unsightly, but not functionally annoying like the persistent window is.

    Perhaps the issue in the VM is related to having beam syncing turned off (via DerFlounder's and the "Fix Yosemite VM Performance" installer) to help improve graphics performance in the guest OS?

    1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-8
    Extension Version: 7.0.BETA-8
    OS Version: macOS 10.12.6
    Sync Type:

  • Hi @stillmoms

    I’ve merged your report with another thread that sounds similar. The OP was able to resolve the issue by creating a new macOS user account. Could you please gie that a try and see if that makes any difference for you?


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