Navigating Vault List via keyboard no longer works

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Hello! In 1Password 6, if I opened the Vault List, I could quickly jump to specific vaults by typing out the vault name, so if I had 4 vaults

  • MyVault
  • MyTestVault
  • MyToastVault
  • YourVault
    I could type M-Y to jump to MyVault, M-Y-T for MyTestVault, or M-Y-T-O to jump to MyToastVault. Now, typing M will correctly jump to the first of the M vaults, but if I then type Y it will immediately jump to YourVault. I relied heavily on navigating the vault list in this manner and would love to see the functionality return.

While on the subject of the vaults list, I would love the ability to be able to jump to "favorite" vaults using CMD+1,2,3,4... currently CMD+# jumps to that vault in the list, but since they're alphabetical and I cannot rearrange the order they appear in, I'm stuck with only being able to jump to my first 9 vaults, which are not vaults I frequent often. I'd love to assign those number shortcuts to my most frequently used vaults instead of the ones at the top of the list.
Thanks! Love 1PW 7 so far!

(P.S. while I have your attention, any updates on Templates and if they will come out of beta or be expanded to regular Teams or Families? I really could use this feature!)

1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: Teams


  • Thanks for letting us know about your use case here. I can’t make any promises but there has been some discussion about how to improve vault switching.

    (P.S. while I have your attention, any updates on Templates and if they will come out of beta or be expanded to regular Teams or Families? I really could use this feature!)

    None at the moment but thanks for the feedback. :)


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