Beta 8: Touch ID not offered as default after manual lock

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

The Touch ID improvements in beta 8 are notable: it is offered far more often than was previously the case (i.e., without having to click first on the Touch ID icon). However, if I manually lock 1Password 7 (using the 1Password 7 > Lock menu item) the next time I open 1Password Touch ID is not automatically offered as an unlock option (in other words I must first click on the Touch ID icon).


1Password Version: 1Password 7.0.BETA-8
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS 10.13.4
Sync Type: WLAN


  • @Stephen_C,

    If you're leaving the main window open then this is expected behavior. If you're quitting or quitting completely then you should see it prompt again the next time you open the main window or the mini window.

    Does this description differ from what you're seeing?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @Rudy—yes, that fits the description of what I see. I left the window open, but locked 1Password using the menu item. So long as it's expected behaviour that's fine. Thanks for the response.


  • Thanks for the update Stephen :+1: :)


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