1P7 Beta 8 - Safari issue when changing from vaults

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Steps to produce

  1. prerequisites - two distinct vaults, each one with a distinct google account credential and two google accounts already on list of 'Choose an account' (https://accounts.google.com/), ie already have been opened before on Safari.
  2. open 1Password application on the Primary Vault (in my case this vault is on iCloud)
  3. open Safari with the url https://accounts.google.com/
  4. when the credentials are requested, use the keyboard shortcut (Command+) to fill credentials - authentication fields are filled as expected
  5. logout from google account and do not close Safari nor refresh the page
  6. switch to 1Password application and choose the other Vault (in my case this other vault is on Dropbox and contains a different google account on it)
  7. go to Safari and on google page you left at step 5, select a second google account to login (do not refresh the page)
  8. when the credentials are requested, use again the keyboard shortcut (Command+) to fill credentials - unlike expected the fields staying empty

Expected behavior

At step 8 we expected the same as occurred at the step 4. The fields should be filled after Command+\

Actual behavior

At the step 8 after Command+\ nothing is happen, the fields staying empty

Additional information

Version 7.0.BETA-8 (70000008) - only this version is installed
Safari Version 11.1 (13605. whit extension 1Password 7.0.BETA-8
macOS 10.13.4

1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-8 (70000008)
Extension Version: 7.0.BETA-8
OS Version: macOS 10.13.4
Sync Type: iCloud, Dropbox


  • somelez
    Community Member

    where you see 'Command+' you sould read 'Command+\'

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @somelez,

    Can you test something for me please, just to see if we're seeing identical behaviour. I have two scenarios in mind.

    1. Repeat the steps you've found that consistently reproduce the undesirable behaviour. Once filling doesn't happen when expected wait 20 seconds and then try using the ⌘\ keyboard shortcut again. Does it now correctly fill with the Login items from the second vault?
    2. Repeat steps 1-5. Instead of switching to the main 1Password application use the keyboard shortcut ⌥⌘\ to open 1Password mini. Use the vault selector in the top left hand corner to select the second vault and then select the Login item to fill with. Does it correctly display the Login item after switching to the second vault and does it fill?

    This is just to collect some more information in the hope that it helps the developer isolate what is happening.

  • somelez
    Community Member

    Hi @littlebobbytables

    The result of the tests you asked are:

    For the first teste the answer is yes. If I wait 20 sec (maybe less) and retry the Command+\ now it fills all fields as expected

    The second test resulted in different behaviours:

    1- On the form of the site, the field to enter the password has the focus. Option+Command+\ have no effect, not even the mini window opens:
    1-1- at this point click 1Password mini icon of the system (the icon on macOS toolbar near wifi icon)
    1-2- the 1Password mini icon freezes. Command+\ or Option+Command+\ have no effect.
    1-3- you can only unfreeze mini when you click on the Safari 1Password extension icon
    1-4- after clicking the Safari extension icon the mini window shows the right login on it and Command+\ fills the fields

    2- On the form of the site, the field to enter the password has the focus. Option+Command+\ opens the mini window:
    2-1- often after I select on it the second vault, the 1Password mini window doesn't show the login account (the first option below the vault name is 'Favourites')
    2-2- at this point I waited more than 30 sec and then I tried again the Option+Command+\. The mini continues not showing any login account (the first option below the vault name still is 'Favourites')
    2-3- click on 1Password mini extension and now mini opens showing at the first position the right login

    3- On the form of the site, the field to enter the password has the focus:
    3-1- click out of the form so the password field lose focus and wait 5-6seg
    3-2- at this point click on 1Password mini system icon (the icon on macOS toolbar near wifi icon). Two things can happen:
    3-2-1- the mini window opens as expected and the right login account is on it. If this happens click on password field so that it gets the focus and return to step 3.1. again. The second time we pass through step 3.2, often results as described at 3.2.2
    3-2-2- or the system 1Password mini freezes

    As one image is better than one thousand of words, I added a gif image to try be more clear (Sorry about the gif quality but was to make it as short as I could ).

    I Hope haven't been confusing :)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2018

    Greetings @somelez,

    Sorry for not replying sooner, I see so many notifications from various things at the moment I completely missed this one so that's on me.

    Thank you for testing that. I believe we're aware of both of these issues so I'm hopeful some future beta will correct them, either individually or both in the same beta. For now can you update 1Password when prompted and keep us updated to make sure we don't let anything slip through the cracks.

    ref: apple-860

  • ondrejfuhrer
    Community Member

    Hey guys,

    I think my problem is related to that, but I was not able to come up with exact steps to replicate.

    But what happens to me quite often is, that when I try to fill in the credentials using the shortcut "Cmd+\" I get the popup for login to 1p, I do and after that, nothing happens. If I click on the extension and select the credentials, it fills it correctly and after that filling with shortcut starts working again.

    Just wanted to mention as well that this is happening on the latest beta-9 and I have only 1P account inside (no standalone vault).

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2018

    Hi @ondrejfuhrer,

    In case it might make a difference, which web browser(s) are you having that issue with? Sounds like Safari, since that's in the title of this discussion, but just want to be sure. :) Thanks!


    If I click on the extension and select the credentials, it fills it correctly and after that filling with shortcut starts working again.

    Tapping the Command-\ shortcut again when it fails to fill the first time after unlocking 1Password will succeed on the second attempt, although it's intermittent due to what littlebobbytables referred to earlier:

    I believe we're aware of both of these issues so I'm hopeful some future beta will correct them

  • ondrejfuhrer
    Community Member

    Yes, it is in Safari :) In Firefox everything works fine :) I’m not exactly sure it worked second time but definitely started after filling using the extension button

  • Okay, thanks for the details. We’ll keep an eye out for this. :)


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