UI-Left Hand Pane Feels Off.

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 7 for Windows

Ok, there is something about the left hand pane that feels off, can’t quite put my finger on it, but the search filter for vaults doesn’t feel intuitive and something to do with the local and 1Password vaults set up.... I wish I could be more specific but a workflow that felt really smooth for vaults feels a little awkward now... the search field alswys seems to get in the way as well... Perhaps others wil notice now and have a better description of what’s wrong ... just thinking out loud....

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @AlwaysSortaCurious: Haha no worries! I admit I don't know what you're referring to, but perhaps if you provided the steps you're taking and point out what is (or is not) happening as you expect that will help. Or you could record a short video. YouTube links work well here. :)

  • AlwaysSortaCurious
    Community Member

    I'd rather not do that because of my vaults, but I think part of it has to do with the search field there, some visual confusion when searching for logins or selecting vaults (Why no login, duh, I'm searching vaults). Might also be I am dropping my cursor early and not getting the expected result of a selected vault? Yeah, I know, none of it is specific, but if makes others or AB take a second look at it, it works for me. Might be that it's just me?


  • Hi @AlwaysSortaCurious,

    It is most likely not you, 1Password 7 design is constantly evolving and it can take a while to settle in as we continue to polish it. The app still have oddities across the interface as we're making a lot of changes and not optimizing yet but we're hoping to start polishing soon for its first stable release.

    The background color for vault / source list is not that much of a difference to me, so I tend to get confused which list I'm in. The search field can be little odd when you're not used to it to be there.

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