Ambiguous Subscription options (screenshot)

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

What's the difference? There's no context here.

1Password Version: V7 Beta
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macS High Sierra
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • RyanPoirier
    Community Member

    I could take a guess... but I imagine you want to clarify that for customers who see this screen.

  • RyanPoirier
    Community Member

    Doh! I just realized I posted in the wrong category. :(

  • RyanPoirier
    Community Member

    (Or not? I read the top post "1Password 6 Beta" and thought that it was the name of this forum category)

  • Hi @RyanPoirier

    You’re in the right place. :) Could you elaborate about what you find unclear about these options? For the first you’ll be billed annually at a rate of $2.99/mo and for the second you’ll be billed $3.99 each month.


  • RyanPoirier
    Community Member


    I read this as 2.99/month or 3.99/month. Why would I ever want to choose the more expensive option?

    The annually (yearly?) vs monthly words went right over my head because I focused right in on the “X.xx/month” part.

    I guessed wrong.... I thought I was looking at standard vs family/team pricing.

  • “Billed annually” vs “billed monthly.” This text is already larger and more bold than the surrounding text. Do you have a suggestion for how we could make it better catch your eye?

    The difference is 12 $3.99 bills or 1 $35.88 bill.


  • RyanPoirier
    Community Member

    My thinking was that both options were charged monthly. That’s how my brain interpreted it.

    Perhaps toying with adding “billed yearly” and “billed monthly” might help differentiate the options.

    Per month, billed yearly

    Per month, billed monthly

    Sure it’s repetitive, but my speed-reading brain targets the most important element first, the abbreviated “X.xx per month [billed yearly/monthly]” and completely ignored the “annually” and “monthly” headlines. I went right for the fine print.

  • Okay. Thanks for the feedback. :) I’ll certainly pass it along to our design team for their consideration.


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