UI issue when "show numbers and symbols first" is disabled

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Thanks to @sjk I found out, that there is that option in advances preferences "show number and symbols first". But that is causing one small UI issue, when disabled. With that option disabled it is pushed inside the "Z" category instead it's own, i.e. "#" or something like that.

1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-9
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ondrejfuhrer: Hmm. I thought you were right for a minute, but I think that's either not the case or I am misunderstanding what you mean. This screenshot is what I saw at first, and seems to support your findings:

    However, with a bit of tricky scrolling (since I was at the very bottom of my item list, I had to VERY quickly two-finger-scroll up and hold to get the lower items to move up far enough without them rubberbanding back down) I can see that I have other headers waiting for me there:

    I can't actually get the others to move up any higher to further illustrate my point — I'm not that dexterous — but hopefully this is good enough as a frame of reference. Are you seeing something similar? Come to think of it, it might be easier to simply duplicate an item a few times there to fill up the bottom more so it's clearer that there are additional headers there. Does that make sense?

  • ondrejfuhrer
    Community Member

    Hey @brenty ,

    Thanks for investigation, but it is not exactly what I see. My use case is only with numbers (but nice that you thought about special characters as well). Here is what I see:

    As ou can see, there is nothing separating the "number" items from the "Z" items.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ondrejfuhrer: Okay, that's definitely a bit different than what I'm seeing. It may be something we've already addressed here in an internal build. If you're still seeing the same thing in the next beta let me know and we'll get to the bottom of it. For now, you didn't mention anything about your sync type or vaults. Are you in All Vaults view there, and are you using 1Password.com or a local vault format?

  • ondrejfuhrer
    Community Member

    Hey @brenty , sorry for that. I'm on an 1P Family account, "All Vaults", "All Items" (tried to switch vaults and items view, did't make a difference)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2018

    @ondrejfuhrer: Got it. No need to apologize! Just wanted to makes sure I wasn't missing some critical difference in our setups. Unfortunately I've got the same here, so I can't account for the difference other than I just downloaded a nightly build a few hours ago. Hopefully we'll have an update for you before too long. :blush:

    ref: apple-360

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ondrejfuhrer: Just a quick followup. I was able to confirm that this is fixed already. It was just a bit too late for it to make it into beta 9, which you're using. Should be in the next one for you. Cheers! :)

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