my browser extension stops working almost daily. I have to reinstall to make it work.

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

my browser extension stops working almost daily. I have to reinstall to make it work.
1 Password 6.8.8
Extension Beta 7.0 Beta -5
Extension 4.7.0

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:my browser extension stops working almost daily. I have to reinstall to make it work.


  • dduncan813
    Community Member

    Safari 11.1

  • Hi @dduncan813

    You’ve posted this in the iOS category but based on the version numbers you posted I suspect this is actually a Mac issue? Could you please confirm? Additionally... you mentioned you were using the beta extension. Do you experience this same issue with the stable version?

    Please let me know. Thanks.


  • dduncan813
    Community Member

    Ops. Yes this is a Mac issue. The stable version has to be installed for it to work. It doesn't work with the beta version

  • dduncan813
    Community Member

    I thought of trying to delete the beta version, but a dialoge box tells me I have to delete the beta version of 1Password

  • @dduncan813

    Okay. I moved this over to the Mac beta forum category. Do you have both 1Password 6 and 1Password 7 beta installed? If so that’ll almost certainly be the cause here. They cannot run side-by-side.


  • dduncan813
    Community Member

    Looking in Finder, I see that I have two versions of 1Password.

  • That would be the problem. :) Please remove one of them (move to the trash, empty trash, and reboot; do not use a “cleaner” / “uninstaller” utility).


  • dduncan813
    Community Member

    I get a message that I have two sets of data and recommending that I delete the oldest. Ok to do this first before moving one version to trash?

  • As always we’d recommend making a backup before making any changes. Time Machine is a beautiful thing. :)


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