Time machine and 1P7-Beta10

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

This happened for the first time for me....the updater picked up that there was another copy of 1P...only it was a copy on my NAS server Time Machine backup. I don't think it should mention that!!

1Password Version: 7.0-B10
Extension Version: 7.0-B9
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    For the first time ever during an update I, too, had a backup disk attached (in the process of being FileVault encrypted) and I, too, had the same warning which I found a little disconcerting. I wonder whether it might in some way be possible for 1Password to distinguish between two copies of itself on the principal disk and any additional copy on a backup disk.


  • @Stephen_C,

    This isn't a new dialog, its the same old "launchd" is going to invariably launch the wrong helper when the update is over, dialog.

    The upside to 7 is that that won't prevent you from accessing your data like it did under 6. If you recall the "attempting to connect to mini…" dialog. It will however break every single attempt you might make at using the mini UI, as those interactions are all done through the extensions interface.

    The best scenario for 1Password is that no other copies of varying versions exist. If they're all the same version at least you'll be connecting to a 1Password Extension Helper that has a matching set of interfaces for the version of 1Password.app that you're using. Its the scenario where we've added or removed interfaces between versions that having multiple copies of different versions will be a problem.


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @rudy thanks for taking the time with the detailed explanation. I well remember the old launchd discussions, now you mention them: it all comes back to me now.

    I virtually never have a backup drive connected when updating 1Password (or, indeed, when using it) so it's not a problem for me. I also now remember my own much earlier advice with 1Password 6 simply to exclude the 1Password app from the backups. ;)

    Sorry for needing a refresher course about this!


  • Excluding the 1Password app from backups is the ideal. Well, the ideal would be improvements to launchd so that isn’t needed, but that’s outside our control. ;)


  • PhilipRoy
    Community Member

    As stated, this is the first time ever this has happened to me....never before with a 1P update and I've used Time Machine for some time.

    Not sure what the "launchd" thing is all about...Ben, please let me know how I can exclude 1P from Time Machine...but please don't ask me to exclude my Applications folder.


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    I'm not Ben but you can exclude 1Password from Time Machine backups like this:

    • Go to macOS System Preferences > Time Machine
    • Click on Options... at the bottom right of that window
    • Click on the + sign in the dlalog that opens and then choose the 1Password 7 app from your Applications folder to add to any existing exclusions from Time Machine backups.


  • Thanks for the assist Stephen. :)

    @PhilipRoy launchd is what controls the startup of all services on macOS, and unfortunately it has some “interesting quirks,” such as this one.


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