Suggestion old style of data fields

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I think the new style may look good, but the usability seems to suffer, because it it not uncommon to accidently click the actual header instead of the data of the field. And the header is mostly needed once, when creating a password, not every time, thus I suggest to go back to the previous representation, where you had your label/header of a data field on the left side and right next to it, the actual data field.

1Password Version: 7 beta 10
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS latest High Sierra
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Ben
    edited May 2018

    Thanks for the feedback, @jxsl13. One of the things that improves with this change is the ability to have much longer labels. As an example: I have custom fields that I use to store security questions and answers. I used to have to work around the label length limitation by doing something like this:

    Label | Content
    Q1 | What is your mother’s maiden name
    A1 | someLongRandomlyGeneratedString1
    Q2 | What street did you grow up on
    A2 | someStreetNameThatImadeUp


    Now I can do something like this instead:

    Label | Content
    What is your mother’s maiden name | someLongRandomlyGeneratedString1
    What street did you grow up on | someStreetNameThatImadeUp

    I no longer have to use made up placeholder labels simply because my actual labels wouldn’t fit in the interface. We’re still evaluating feedback on this change, but the response has been mostly positive so far. Thanks!


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