Window frozen after wakeup

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Hey guys,

Just noticed one thing, when I put my mac into sleep (by closing the lid) and then reopen later, 1Password got frozen on the screen (without any items in the left panel). When I clicked on 1P in the dock, it opened on top of that "frozen" one.

Sorry for the screenshot quality :blush:

1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-10
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ondrejfuhrer - that's definitely not supposed to be happening! Can you reproduce it using those same steps? Also, just to be clear - did you redact those items yourself, or did it pop up with the black bars there? And when it occurred, was your Mac actually asleep, as in: had to type in your user password to re-open? Or was it recently enough that it opened back up without requiring the password?

  • ondrejfuhrer
    Community Member

    Hey @Lars ,

    More info comming :smile: Items were redacted myself and yes, I had to type in my password. I just tried to simply close the lid and open it back again, put in my password and .... it didn't happen again :angry: Maybe I could try tomorrow, because I was also disconnecting external monitors at work, so maybe that was related as well. Will test tomorrow.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ondrejfuhrer -- thanks for the update. I'm at my own iMac currently, but I plan to try to reproduce this myself in a bit with my MacBook Air. Interested to see what you discover! And if you think of any other unusual or even just specific conditions for when it did happen, let us know.

  • ondrejfuhrer
    Community Member

    Hi @Lars

    I tried the same thing I did last time but unfortunately it didn't happen again. I don't think there was anything else that I was doing except what I already wrote.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    No problem. Thanks for confirming, and for the earlier details. We'll see if we can track down the problem. :)

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