Display fonts and accessibility

This discussion was created from comments split from: 1Password Shortcuts not working in Safari.


  • mdvzo
    Community Member

    Getting a little more comfortable with the Beta but the one thing I noticed from a. usability perspective is that the Fonts are smaller in 1P7 than 1P6. I have a 32" 4K ASUS monitor PQ321 and it is scaled at 3360x1890 so no the smallest sized but still the 1P7 are a little small. Would be nice if there was an option say for small medium and large fonts.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @mdvzo - thanks for the suggestion. As you might imagine, it's not always easy to include scalable fonts into an app - text that renders in an appropriate scale/window size at one font size may look considerably unpolished at a larger size, etc. And localizations for different languages with different character counts for various wording also has to be taken into account. However, we'll continue to look into ways we might make this happen. Thanks again! :)

    ref: OPM-1715

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2018

    @mdvzo: I've split this off into a new discussion since it's not at all relevant to the other one but is an important topic nonetheless. While I agree generally that there's probably more we can still do to make 1Password 7 easier to use for the visually impaired, I did want to follow up on your comment on 1Password 7 having too small of fonts. They appear to me to be exactly the same size as 1Password 6, albeit I think we're using a different font in some places:

    1Password 7

    1Password 6

    Are you seeing something different?

    One issue I noticed though is that 1Password 7 (mostly) does not change when Increase Contrast is enabled in macOS accessibility settings. I've filed an issue for that to see what we can do to improve the new version in that regard. Thank you for bringing this up! :)

    ref: apple-1023

  • mdvzo
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    Here are SS of the font comparison of 1P 6 and 7 on an ASUS 4K monitor. There is clearly a difference in size.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mdvzo: I notice a very minor difference in your case, so I'm not sure I would agree that it's a usability problem. But it's certainly worth looking into. I'm just not sure why fonts would display differently for you than for me. What OS version and display settings are you using?

  • mdvzo
    Community Member

    If you look at the font there is at least two size difference in font albeit they are both large in the PNG so it is deceiving. I did a close comparison and 1Password label field appears to be Arial 12 and 1Password 7 is Arial 14 or very close. I am running 10.13.4 and I have a 32" 4K ASUS monitor PQ321 and it is scaled at 3360x1890.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I don't think we've ever used Arial. I believe we're using some variant of Helvetica. Regardless, it's much easier to tell the difference zoomed in. At normal PPI (~200 is what's in use on the vast majority of Macs) the difference is fairly minimal. But we'll continue to tweak it as we develop version 7. Thanks for the feedback! :)

  • mdvzo
    Community Member

    I did not mean to state that it was Arial and I don't want to get into an argument. I used Arial as a reference in TextEdit and placed it next to the the app since I did not know the exact font. It is still 2 fonts sizes different. I guess I disagree that 2 sizes in fonts is rather significant when you get down to small fonts. I tried Helvetica and it looks like 11pt vs 13pt. On a high resolution monitor 11 pt is rather small. Here is a screen shot side by side on the same picture for comparison.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Gotcha. You just meant as a relative size comparison. I just wanted to make sure you weren't actually basing your measurements on the wrong font. Personally I find the beta's text much easier to read due to the weight and colour in use overall, but we'll continue to tweak it as we go. Thanks so much for the additional data points on this! :)

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