1Password7 Beta 10 attachment link broken

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

After upgrading to 1Password7 and signing up for subscription all attachments went to Documents tab and link was broken with original login. I have re-linked the attachments to logins but now after latest beta update all links are broken in logins: Imported attachment (deleted item)
but when I go to file the link to logins are still present?! Is this known bug? Do I need to re-link all documents to my logins?

1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: Subscription


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rankosalic: I'm not sure I follow your description. Are you saying you have items that were linked, but that none of your items are linked now after updating the app? It sounds like that's what you're saying, but I'm not seeing that at all here. Did you maybe move items between vaults previously and are just noticing that broke the links now?

  • rankosalic
    Community Member

    @brenty Yes that is the issue. Everything is in the same Vault and hasn't been moved after I set up links. And now when I go to Documents-item I see the link but in login link is missing (ebay is an example. Screenshot in Documents is showing the link to login but in login item the links is deleted)

  • rankosalic
    Community Member

    On the other hand. SOME links to documents work. But link is only shown in login-tab and not showing in documents item-tab. I think you need to rework Documents in 1Password. It's very badly done. Starting that links were all broken when signed up with 1password.com and now this and on top of it if you move item to other vault link in broken (I know there is warning for this when moving).

    @brenty another issue is the iOS app that only lets me attach screenshots from Photos app and not directly from camera this is nightmare from security standpoint. Lets say I want to upload my card. When I snap a photo it begins uploading it to icloud immediately. Only then I can transfer that photo to 1Password. Wouldn't it be more logical for security if 1Password iOS app can snap a photo and directly upload it to 1Password.com without Photos app?!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rankosalic: Thanks for confirming! I'm sorry for the trouble. I'm really not sure how or why the item links would show the items as deleted if they are not, and are still in the same vault. That's definitely something we'll want to investigate further. But first,

    On the other hand. SOME links to documents work. But link is only shown in login-tab and not showing in documents item-tab. I think you need to rework Documents in 1Password. It's very badly done. Starting that links were all broken when signed up with 1password.com and now this and on top of it if you move item to other vault link in broken (I know there is warning for this when moving).

    That's definitely a problem we'd like to find a solution for, but when items have to have brand new UUIDs generated in the new vault and get re-encrypted with the new vault's keys (otherwise sharing vaults would not be secure: everyone would have keys to everything) it's a hard problem to solve securely. We'll keep working on the new Documents feature though to make it more intuitive.

    another issue is the iOS app that only lets me attach screenshots from Photos app and not directly from camera this is nightmare from security standpoint. Lets say I want to upload my card. When I snap a photo it begins uploading it to icloud immediately. Only then I can transfer that photo to 1Password. Wouldn't it be more logical for security if 1Password iOS app can snap a photo and directly upload it to 1Password.com without Photos app?!

    That's a very good point. I disagree that it's necessarily a security risk since your photo library is encrypted both on your device and also in iCloud (if you sync your photos or use iCloud Photo Library), but I agree that it would be better to "cut out the middle man" and allow 1Password to take the pictures outright. However, one caveat is that I'm not sure that would completely solve this to your satisfaction, as I believe the photos are cached locally anyway, if only temporarily. But I think that would be an improvement nevertheless. Thanks for bringing this up! :)

    ref: apple-1067

    Getting back to your original issue, are you seeing the same thing on other platforms as well, or only on macOS?

    To be completely clear,

    Starting that links were all broken when signed up with 1password.com

    You didn't have any links prior to using 1Password.com, so I'm not sure what you mean hear. Can you clarify? Also,

    when I go to Documents-item I see the link but in login link is missing

    1Password doesn't create bidirectional links on its own. So I wonder if you're assuming that it did, and that's what the (deleted item) is, when it's more likely to be a completely different item you'd added yourself at some point and letter deleted (and/or moved to another vault). Put another way, if it was something 1Password did when you migrated to your account, you'd have only a link to a Document from another item where it was originally an attachment.


    • Do the (deleted item) links not work? I'm betting they don't, but I'd rather not assume.
    • Are you able to find the original linked items? It sounds like that's the case.
    • If so, are you able to successfully re-link one of them? If it's actually the same item, you won't be able to, because that UUID is already linked. It won't even show up in the list.

    If you're still having trouble, the best thing to do will be to open an affected item, try to follow the link, and then generate a diagnostic report so we can look at the logs to determine exactly what is happening:


    Please send it to support@agilebits.com and add the following Support ID (including the square brackets) to the subject of your diagnostics email before sending:


    If you’re reading this and you are not rankosalic, this Support ID is for rankosalic only. Please ask us for your own if you also need help.

    This will link your diagnostics to our current discussion. Let me know once you've sent it. Once we see it we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

    ref: TGV-95547-736

  • rankosalic
    Community Member

    photo library is encrypted both on your device and also in iCloud (if you sync your photos or use iCloud Photo Library)

    Yes, but Apple has the keys so iCloud Photo Library is not secure enough to upload sensitive documents/cards. That is way 1Password needs more secure Documents/Photo management on iOS. Also, any plans on implementing iOS Files uploads? Maybe share widget to send files from other apps to 1Password? Manny of us use photo backups like Dropbox/Amazon Photos/Google Photos. That's why it's difficult to snap photo-then import it to 1Password before it gets uploaded automatically.

    You didn't have any links prior to using 1Password.com, so I'm not sure what you mean hear. Can you clarify?

    When switching from standalone 1Password6 to subscription, all documents in Logins were separated and put in a "Documents" category without linking. It's annoying.

    1Password doesn't create bidirectional links on its own. So I wonder if you're assuming that it did, and that's what the (deleted item) is, when it's more likely to be a completely different item you'd added yourself at some point and letter deleted (and/or moved to another vault).

    Why linking isn't bidirectional? That seems like bad decision and it's confusing if you have similarly named files and/or you have to do the linking TWICE for Logins and then Documents.

    In the end, I will do linking manually again, and please make better Documents management in 1Password.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Yes, but Apple has the keys so iCloud Photo Library is not secure enough to upload sensitive documents/cards. That is way 1Password needs more secure Documents/Photo management on iOS.

    @rankosalic: That's a fair point. Ultimately it depends on your situation and what we're taking pictures of, so we each have to decide for ourselves.

    Also, any plans on implementing iOS Files uploads? Maybe share widget to send files from other apps to 1Password? Manny of us use photo backups like Dropbox/Amazon Photos/Google Photos. That's why it's difficult to snap photo-then import it to 1Password before it gets uploaded automatically.

    Indeed, not everyone uses iCloud for photos, even if the vast majority of iOS users do. We don't have anything to announce regarding iOS Files at this point, but we may be able to do something in that area in the future.

    When switching from standalone 1Password6 to subscription, all documents in Logins were separated and put in a "Documents" category without linking. It's annoying.

    I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like you moved these between vaults yourself then, as the account migration process we've had in place from the beginning has always handled attachments-Documents conversion. It probably isn't worth re-doing things now if you've been using the account for a while already though. I just wish you'd reached out at the time so we could have helped then. :(

    Why linking isn't bidirectional?

    Why would it be? I can appreciate that it could be a useful feature, but linking is inherently one-way: one item has the UUID of another embedded in it. It's no different than hyperlinks on the web: when you link to another website, that website doesn't automatically link back to you. it may be something we can add in the future, but it's certainly not a given.

    That seems like bad decision and it's confusing if you have similarly named files and/or you have to do the linking TWICE for Logins and then Documents.

    I find it helpful to give things distinct names, regardless of linking. After all, I'll never find anything I want in a search either if too many names are similar. I'm not sure that's a problem 1Password can solve for you, or that it should try to.

    In the end, I will do linking manually again, and please make better Documents management in 1Password.

    That's definitely something we're working on. It sounds like you want automated bidirectional linking and also the ability to automatically re-establish links when copying/moving items to a new vault. The latter is especially complicated since we'd probably need to have a system in place to try to move any linked items along the other when moved, otherwise there would be no possibility of re-establishing links, but it's a fun problem to try to solve. Please let us know if you have any other requests as far as Documents workflow. I can't promise anything, but we're always on the lookout for more good ideas. :)

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