Update loop I cannot escape

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I've had the beta 7 running fine for weeks now. Today notice on restart says beta build exprired.only option is button which opens browser but goes to previous version. This is all in loop I cannot escape. Tried removing extensions, tried restart, tried finding direct link to an update. Tried installing 6, but no matter what loop starts again and is making my mac inoperable. Advice??


  • marepinta
    Community Member

    ok, I got it. I downloaded the 7beta from the download link in the blog post to my phone, then shared it to my Mac, then installed it. It offered to shut down the Password 7, which it did and that kept it off. Once it reinstalled all messages went away.

  • Hi @marepinta,

    I suspect this ultimately comes down to a bug we had in the updater a few versions ago. Could you please confirm which version of the beta you’re on now?


  • marepinta
    Community Member

    I am now on 7.0.BETA-10 (build #70000010). I believe this the first time I have updated since I got on the beta. Hope this answers some questions. I was pretty crazy this afternoon for over 2 hours. I swear it was less than a second between the force quit and the restart and demand for update. An old comment on this forum but not under the Mac Beta section gave me clues and got me going in the right direction.

  • Thanks for the update. Glad to hear you were able to get it resolved.


  • BastiOSX
    Community Member

    Dear Ben,

    Since I had the very same issue this morning, I need to correct this issue as it isn't correctly resolved and your assumption seems incorrect to me.
    Like marepinta, I was on an older 7BETA probably 7BETA7 or the likes. The Beta expired and showed a popup window very periodic - like every two to five minutes. The popup window notified about the expired beta and there was just one button which takes the user to the older 1PW Beta 6 release notes website! Of cause, if you don't notice, you'll keep downloading 6.8.8, the expired 7BETA keeps on nagging and it drives you crazy.

    So the main issue is, that the link in the "beta expired" popup window leads to 1PW6, not 1PW7.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I'm sorry for the trouble. Unfortunately if the update cannot be validated it will not complete, and then if you have it set to automatically check and update, you can get into a bit of a loop. If you're not already using it, I'd encourage you to download the latest beta and install it manually, and if your Mac continues having issues either downloading or extracting a new version, disabling "automatically install" will help. And we'll iron out the rest of the kinks as well. Thanks for your feedback on this! :)

  • BastiOSX
    Community Member

    Dear brenty,

    all is good here. I found the download link to the last Beta in the AgileBits blog and installed from there. Thanks for your response.

  • dansteeves68
    Community Member

    Got out of the update loop and installed "7.0.BETA-10 (build #70000010) – released 2018-05-01", but now my browser plugins are not working in Safari or Chrome. Help?

  • dansteeves68
    Community Member

    My experience was worse than described above. The modal popup telling me my beta had expired stole focus every few seconds and it would not let me quit or force quit its owning 1Password 7 application. Of course I followed its link and installed 1Password 6 again before I realized that was wrong. I don't even know how I managed to find the beta page and get the latest 7.

  • chnacat
    Community Member

    got a popup this morning saying the beta is expired, button to install new beta took me to a 1pw 6 page, wound up reinstalling the beta from the original blog post and now none of the browser extensions work

    please advise. this is really causing a problem.

    1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-10
    Extension Version: 70000010
    OS Version: 10.13.3
    Sync Type: dropbox

  • @dansteeves68,

    It looks like you've got two running copies of 1Password 7. This is pretty likely to explain why none of your browsers are working. You'll need to get rid of the old expired one. My guess is that it probably got AppTranslocated from your ~/Downloads folder at some point in the past and stuck around until you installed the current version using the installer package.

    do you have a copy in ~/Downloads?


  • Hi @chnacat

    I merged your thread with another on the same subject. Please see above, particularly this post and this one.



  • dansteeves68
    Community Member

    @rudy I had a file called 1Password 7.app.zip in the Applications folder along with the app. I deleted that, quit both the main app and the menu bar app, restarted, and it all looks good. Thank you.

  • Thanks for the update, @dansteeves68. :)


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