Doubled the entries again

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I installed 1P7 on a new OS partition. It immediately copied over everything from 1P6. So now I have double the entries in the vault, only this time it’s in one vault and not showing two vaults. This has now propagated onto the website, and I presume will end up on my phone as well. Every professional using macOS is going to have multiple OSs so this is not going to be a one off problem. In a few months we’ll probably have a new OS that needs to be tested with multiple applications, which for many will add a third or fourth OS into the mix, each of which will need a new 1P installation. There really needs to be a way to control this.

Doesn’t seem as if you can reply to yourself. Work around I did was to delete items tagged as copied from 1P6. Hopefully this does nothing bad. Have a very full trash can now. Waiting but so have the deletion hasn’t propagated to the website after a few reloads.

1Password Version: 1P7b10
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.3.4
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • TomWolsky
    Community Member

    Found the way around by deleting items tagged as imported. Cross fingers that didn’t do anything bad. Have a very fat trash can now.

  • TomWolsky
    Community Member

    Found the way around by deleting items tagged as imported from 6. Hopefully nothing bad happens with that. I have a very full trash can now.

  • Hi @TomWolsky,

    Having multiple copies of 1Password accessible from one computer is not a supported configuration. If you’re going to be booting multiple operating systems, and thus need multiple copies of 1Password (one on each boot drive / partition) then the recommended solution would be to not mount the boot volume of the other OSes. For example in High Sierra don’t mount the Sierra boot volume.

    I hope that helps!


  • TomWolsky
    Community Member

    Intersting. I see the replies replies I entered on the iPhone were being loaded, I just couldn't see them. Sorry about that.

  • TomWolsky
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben. Situation is that the system drive has two partitions, one APFS with HS and one HFS+ with Sierra. I also can boot from an external SSD with a Sierra partition, and a beta OS. If I'm in the beta, should I not install 1P on that so it runs from there? Seems odd to be running the app from another OS.

  • @TomWolsky,

    You would need to install 1Password to the /Applications folder on each boot partition. That isn’t the problem. Having all of the boot partitions mounted from within each OS is. You’ll want to have only the boot partition for the OS you are currently running mounted.


  • TomWolsky
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    OK. Thank you. Why would that prevent the problem if the partition already has the older version installed?

  • Only one copy of 1Password can be accessible on a computer at any given time. By unmounting (or not mounting) the boot partitions of the other OSes you accomplish that.


  • TomWolsky
    Community Member

    Thanks again. I'll try it in the next cycle.

  • :+1:


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