Beta 7 Unusable

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I had to remove Beta 7, as it became completely unusable after the latest update. After each sign in attempt the app would crash. I was forced to reinstall Version 6.

1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: latest
OS Version: latest
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    The current beta is beta 11 so you were a long way behind with the betas. If you do want to try the latest beta you can download it direct from here. However, if you use Safari as your browser I strongly recommend reading this sticky at the top of the forum first.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Indeed, definitely give the current version a try and let us know if you run into any issues. :)

  • autigers1970
    Community Member

    I'll also say, in the past when I've had issues, try booting into Safe Mode and opening 1Password there. Then reboot into regular mode and see if that doesn't fix some stuff.

  • I’m not sure exactly how that would help, but thanks for letting us know. :)


  • nils_enevoldsen
    Community Member

    @brenty, I'm pretty sure that @1Douglas is referring to the beta of 1Password 7, rather than specifically beta 7 of 1Password 7.

  • 1Douglas
    Community Member


    1Password 7 became unusable after the latest update. The extension would not work, nor right clicking to sign in. Then the app began crashing and became impossible to sign into, as it would just crash after adding my master password.
    I reinstalled 1Password 6 to alleviate further serious issues.


  • @1Douglas,

    The latest update uses a completely different extension from previous betas. Did you try installing the new extension before going back to 1Password 6?


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