Item-Login shows "Terrible" for 22 bit password

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Hey Team AgileBits, just downloaded new 7.0 beta 11. I added a new login for Adobe Documents Cloud and I get "terrible" in Password field with password generated with GenPwd, (22bit) if I let 1Password generate password a 22 bit I get "fantastic" enclosed is a screen shot of item with random password and results in item password field, I have done a disk repair with Terminal; "/sbin/fsck -fy" and reboot, all remaining login show Excellent, Fantastic, etc only new entries/logins, I have tried several times with same results.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @petermarcos: I've moved you to the Mac beta category since it sounds like that's what you're using.

    I agree that it shouldn't display as "terrible", but when you copy and paste a password into 1Password, it doesn't know how it was created and will treat it skeptically. After all, for all it knows, you took the first letter of each line from a chapter of War and Peace to create that password! So it's really better to have 1Password generate a password for you, since its strength will be more accurately reflected in the meter because it knows how it was generated, and therefore the entropy it has.

    That said, there are definitely some issues with the strength meter in general, and we're working to improve that as well, so you should also see some improvement over time. Thanks for bringing this up! :)

  • petermarcos
    Community Member

    @brenty, You bet, didn't do that in prior versions of beta, going to leave it as is as it's my Adobe ID. I did try a 52 bit and got "Fantastic" in strength meter. If I add additional numbers (1234) to existing PW it changes PW strength, if I eliminate numbers (1234) to original PW I get "excellent". To clarify, using original "terrible" PW and adding numbers to tail end and eliminating numbers to original PW I get "excellent". Very perplexing behavior, just a heads up. Think I'll pass on a 1st letter of each line from a chapter of War and Peace! :)
    Some other peculiar behavior however it's to soon in evaluation to post.
    1Password Version: 7.0- beta11
    Extension Version: 4.3.1
    OS: 10.13.4

  • Indeed, that does sound like a bug. I’ll check with development and see what the intention is here. Thanks.


  • petermarcos
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben, still having an issue with trying to hide 1Password, works a couple of times then the arrow tab (blue arrow) to minimize items appears and disappears, shortcut key as well as menu pulldown is not effective. Open and fill unresponsive at times, cannot select any item, have to control/option/quit from the menu. (random)
    Aside from those 2 issues works pretty well.
    Thanks Team AgileBits

  • petermarcos
    Community Member

    Hey Team, a quick follow up on "Terrible", updated to 7.0 beta 12 and terrible appears to be resolved. Created several (10) "test" logins with GenPwd and all showed either "excellent or fantastic" in password strength depending on string of characters. Also inability to "hide" (which was a little frustrating) appears to be resolved as well. App is quick to launch & very responsive. Using Chrome; Version 66.0.3359.17. Safari Version 11.1 (13605. which still seems a little problamatic with v. 4.7.1 extension at least at this end. No tangible issues at this point, notwithstanding it's early in this beta, however so far so good, great work Team AgileBits!!

    1Password Version; 7.0.BETA-12 (70000012)
    Chrome Extension;

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks Ben, still having an issue with trying to hide 1Password, works a couple of times then the arrow tab (blue arrow) to minimize items appears and disappears, shortcut key as well as menu pulldown is not effective. Open and fill unresponsive at times, cannot select any item, have to control/option/quit from the menu. (random)

    @petermarcos: I may be having a mental lapse, but I'm not sure what you mean by "hide 1Password" and "blue arrow". Could you please clarify what you're seeing? If it's simpler, take a screenshot of this. To include it in your reply, simply click the document button in the top of the comment field, and select the file you wish to share:

    Just be sure not to post anything sensitive, as this is a public forum. Thanks in advance!

    Aside from those 2 issues works pretty well. Thanks Team AgileBits

    Thanks for the kind words, and for participating in the beta! :chuffed:

    Hey Team, a quick follow up on "Terrible", updated to 7.0 beta 12 and terrible appears to be resolved. Created several (10) "test" logins with GenPwd and all showed either "excellent or fantastic" in password strength depending on string of characters. Also inability to "hide" (which was a little frustrating) appears to be resolved as well. App is quick to launch & very responsive. Using Chrome; Version 66.0.3359.17. Safari Version 11.1 (13605. which still seems a little problamatic with v. 4.7.1 extension at least at this end. No tangible issues at this point, notwithstanding it's early in this beta, however so far so good, great work Team AgileBits!!

    Thanks for the update! I'm still curious about the "hide" thing, but glad to hear that it's working better for you now, along with the password strength issue. Definitely let us know if you encounter any other issues. :)

  • petermarcos
    Community Member

    Hey brenty, Couldn't hide app with command/H, when I would try,
    collapse source list "blue arrow" was what I would get,
    new version addressed that problem.

    Collapse source list, my bad. :) this version is by far the best!!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @petermarcos: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Wow. Thank you for taking the time to clarify that for me. It was driving me nuts! Now I realize how obvious that was. Sorry for being so dense. Glad to hear that both of these issues are resolved for you, and we're here if you run into anything else like that. Have a great weekend! :)

  • petermarcos
    Community Member

    @brenty, no problem, I should have articulated it better the first go around, glad we're on the same page. Kudos to you and all the AgileBits Team, thanks for all the support you and your Team provide. You have a great weekend as well.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2018

    Likewise, thanks for your support! We couldn't do what we do without it. Cheers! :chuffed:

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