1Password 7 for Mac Notes

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I've recently installed 1Password 7 beta and I really love it.

My English is not very good, please forgive me!

  1. Please let Markdown support keyboard shortcuts
  2. Please note that the rich text icon is supported

In the case of multiple lines of code in a note, multiple lines of code can be displayed, which I can accept.
However, the figure is a line of code, but the code in the note is incomplete. I think it is awkward.


1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.0.BETA-11 (70000011) AgileBi
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: iCoud


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I've recently installed 1Password 7 beta and I really love it.

    @Jreen: That's great! Thanks for the kind words, and for participating in the beta! :)

    My English is not very good, please forgive me!

    Your English is great! Let's just not talk about my Chinese... :crazy:

    Please let Markdown support keyboard shortcuts

    I agree that it could be nice to have keyboard shortcuts, but we also don't want to conflict with any others already in use in 1Password and macOS. It's something we'll continue to evaluate though.

    In the mean time, the great thing about Markdown is that it's really easy to type a _ or * as needed. As a reference, you can see what is supported here:

    Markdown syntax guide for 1Password 7 beta

    Please note that the rich text icon is supported

    Do you mean that you'd like rich text to be displayed in the preview in the item list, instead of the Markdown?

    In the case of multiple lines of code in a note, multiple lines of code can be displayed, which I can accept. However, the figure is a line of code, but the code in the note is incomplete. I think it is awkward.

    I'm not sure I understand. Can you give an example Markdown note? If you use Markdown ``` here around it, that will allow you to keep the formatting. Thanks! :)

  • Jreen
    Community Member

    Thank you very much for your reply!

    Please note that the rich text icon is supported
    I'm referring to the icon comparison. The note supports rich iconI'm referring to the icon comparison. The note supports rich icon.

    I think the BUG is:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Jreen: Thanks for the illustrations! I am not able to reproduce what you show in your first Twitter Secure Note screen shot though. What is the Markdown you're using there?

  • Jreen
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    Note code:


  • Interesting. Thanks for the report, @Jreen. We’ll keep an eye out for this and see if we’re able to reproduce the issue.


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