1PW Mini Now Requires Additional Click/Keypress on EVERY Usage
I'm sure you all had your reasons for changing this behavior (although I have no idea what they could be), but now, whenever I use mini and I click on something to copy it, it leaves Mini up, which effectively requires a click or press of Escape every time I use it.
Is this desired behavior? Why was it changed? What is the remedy (a defaults write
is acceptable).
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Those should already be there for Logins, those 3 keyboard shortcuts also work for other types to copy 3 important fields or alternatively 3 'top' fields. They can also be re-mapped using System Prefs ->Keyboard -> Shortcuts if you wanted to get really fancy and have different shortcuts for different types of items. That's possible due to Apple mapping based on the name.
= copy passwordcmd
= copy usernamecmd
= copy totpRudy
0 -
I started with an implementation that did just username and totp, and then went a little overboard and leveraged the code we had written for the iOS Favorites screen to bring the shortcuts to all item types.