VoiceOVer: "open and fill" button does not activate when pressing Control-Option-Space bar

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Pressing the VOiceOver command, Control-Option-Space bar on the "open and fill" button in the details table does not activate the function. In order to activate you have to place focus on the URL itself and then press the Control-Option-Space bar command.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Enable VOiceOver
2. Launch 1Password
3. Locate a login item
4. Interact with the details tabl
5. 5. Focus on "open and fill" button
6. Press Control-Option-Space bar to activate

Function does not activate.

Place focus on URL and perform the Control-Option-Space bar command.

1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-12 (70000012)
Extension Version: 4.7.1
OS Version: 10.13.5 Beta (17F70a)
Sync Type: 1Password service


  • Hey @Scott_H! Thanks for posting about this. Did open and fill work with that key combo before 1Password 7? There's a shortcut to open and fill the item you have selected, and it's Command-Option-Return. Give that a try and let me know what you think. :)

  • Scott_H
    Community Member

    Thank you sir, I was not aware of that shortcut. :) Yes, that button did work in a previous version. Sorry, I cannot recall exactly when it broke, but I'm pretty sure it was recent.


  • Scott_H
    Community Member

    Hey Jacob,

    I tried Command-Option-Return and that doesn't work either. I toggled VOiceOVer off and tried, but no joy either. Seems the command isn't working when activating the button or the keyboard shortcut. I don't have that key sequence mapped to any other command, so it should work.


  • Hi Scott_H, can you post a screen capture movie of this? When I test with VO, there is no problem hitting the Open & Fill button with VO-Space.

  • Scott_H
    Community Member

    Hey, movie uploaded. What I find curious is that pressing Control-Option-Space bar on the button does not work, yet on the URL itself does. Seems like focus is not exactly where it needs to be or VoiceOver is indicating the button at a location where the button is not actually at– if that made any sense. :)


  • Scott_H
    Community Member


    Not sure what changed, but Option-Command-Return now will fire the autofill action. I'll definitely test this thoroughly, but whatever wasn't working previously seems to have been resolved. Hopefully it stays that way. :)

  • Scott_H
    Community Member

    Hey, should the Option-Command-Return key sequence work from within 1Password Mini? If so, it does not work for me. I sure love keyboard commands. :)


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Scott_H: It definitely does not, but I think perhaps maybe that's something we should add there. I'll bring it up with the team. Thank you for the feedback! :)

    ref: apple-1365

  • Scott_H
    Community Member

    Thank you, I appreciate that.

  • :+1: :)


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