1P mini opens on wrong display when main application is assigned to a specific display

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I have two displays. Display 1 (D1) is my iMac; display 2 (D2) is a Cinema Display. D2 is to the left of D1.

I have assigned 1Password to always open on D2. (I have to assign it to D2; otherwise, it always launches on D1, but I think that’s a function of macOS, as every application does that.)

My Web browser is on D1. When I activate 1P mini, it opens not where my browser is (D1) but instead on D2. It is in the spot it should be except on the wrong display (if that makes sense). In effect, it is behaving an an application window. If I move the mini window to D1, it still opens on D2 when I use mini again.

Yes, I know I can simply not assign 1P to a desktop (or assign to all), but my workflow has specific apps assigned to specific desktops.

Maybe you can attach it to the toolbar icon?

1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.0.BETA-16 (70000016) AgileBi
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.13.5
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • verdi1987
    Community Member

    Just a follow-up to say the behavior I described is with the new mini. The old mini worked as expected.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @verdi1987 - I'm not certain what can be done regarding this. The old mini was indeed attached to the icon in the browser, but the new one is not, by design. The reason for that is because the new mini will show you application-specific items in 1Password, and can be used to cut/paste (and eventually, hopefully, to fill) into specific applications. Open Evernote or iTunes and use ⌥⌘\ to open the mini, you'll see what I mean. Accordingly, I don't think we'll be tethering the mini to the top of the browser window anytime soon.

  • Hi verdi1987,

    Can you check the setting of System Preferences > Mission Control > Displays have separate Spaces? Someone else had their issue oddly go away after switching at setting off and back on again.

  • verdi1987
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    @chedseld, “Displays have separate Spaces” is enabled. I toggled it off, rebooted, enabled it again, and logged off and on. The same behavior persists: mini always opens on Display 2 if the main app is assigned to Display 2. If I disable separate Spaces, mini does remember its position, but then I obviously lose the functionality of separate Spaces.

    For now I’ve not assigned 1Password to any display, so mini will remember its position. I just have to move the main app to Display 2 upon login.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @verdi1987: Unfortunately since 1Password is now a single app, assigning it to a specific display will have that effect. It's possible that there's some bug with how macOS handles this that caused it to behave differently for the person Chad mentioned, but I would expect the behaviour you're seeing. I've developed a similar habit a while ago with regard to opening apps on specific displays/spaces to work around this, so I'm glad if that helps in your case as well. I can definitely see how that could be annoying though, if you were used to doing things a certain way. :blush:

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