Fill not working at all with Safari and Beta 16

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Neither "open and fill" nor plain fill work at all. Not a single page I've tried works. At first I thought it was just pages with non-standard logins like Disney Movie Rewards or iCloud (I know both used to work with 1Password 6), but it's also happening with plain forms like Zoho's login. The 1P Mini pops up but it matches nothing and leaves you at at the search box. Since search only does "open new and fill" (which as I said doesn't work) and not "fill current" (which would be nice to have) searching doesn't help either.

1Password Version: 7.0 Beta 16
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.13.4
Sync Type: 1Password Vault


  • @randian

    Are you still seeing this with the latest updates? If so did you install the browser extension from this page?


  • apaterakis
    Community Member

    Fresh beta 16 installed. installed safari extension but it does not auto fill...

  • @apaterakis Could you try restarting your computer then filling? The update might have caused the extension to not communicate with the main app quite right so a restart should clear things.

  • randian
    Community Member

    "Are you still seeing this with the latest updates?"

    As the title says, I'm using Beta 16. Isn't that the latest?

    "If so did you install the browser extension from this page?"

    I thought you didn't need to do that anymore. In any case the Safari popup that appears when you type Apple-\ pops up just fine. It just doesn't fill in anything. It just gives you a cursor in the search box, as if it can't match anything to the page you're on.

  • @randian

    Sorry I should have specified I was looking to see if you were using the latest version of the browser extension. The browser extension is now required to be installed in Safari separately. We had to revert the Safari App Extension changes we were working on, for now. If you don’t have the extension installed in Safari then that is almost certainly the cause of the difficulty.


  • randian
    Community Member


    "If you don’t have the extension installed in Safari then that is almost certainly the cause of the difficulty."

    Ok. The previous guidance to delete the browser extension was correct?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @randian: I'm not seeing where someone told you to delete the browser extension. Ben suggested installing it earlier. Please give that a try.

  • randian
    Community Member

    @brenty Deletion was the recommended practice for earlier betas, hence my use of the past tense (was correct) instead of the present tense (is correct).

    Reinstalling the extension did fix the problem.

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