1PW beta 16 — Chrome Extension Not Installing

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Hey there,

So far I like the new 1Password … but now the Chrome extension is not installing—at least not from this page: https://1password.com/browsers/; also, when I click “Feeling adventurous? Try the beta.”, nothing happens :-(

So I checked the Chrome Web Store and found this: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/1password-x-beta-–-passwo/khgocmkkpikpnmmkgmdnfckapcdkgfaf — is this the correct extension?

And if yes, does this ONLY work if you have a 1PW account? Because … I “only” have a standalone license, purchased on 2018-04-27.

Please advise.

Thanks in advance,
Tom in Germany

1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-16
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.13.4
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hi @Bonobo,

    That link isn't the correct extension. That one is only for 1Password.com account holders. I've asked our extension's team if they have any ideas why you might be getting resistance from Chrome on our extension install.


  • Bonobo
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    Thanks, @rudy, that was a FAST reaction :) your help is appreciated!

    Maybe I should also add my Google Chrome version:
    Version 66.0.3359.181

  • @bonobo,

    The web team is working towards a fix on the browser's page itself. In the meantime this link should work for the release version of the extension for Chrome: https://app-updates.agilebits.com/download/OPX4?browser=chrome&alt=true


  • Bonobo
    Community Member

    Awesome, thank you, this works!

  • @Bonobo,


    The original page you linked to should also be fixed now if you need to install for any other browsers.


  • Bonobo
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    Awesome, THANK YOU!

    Just tried it:

    Beta also works:

  • :+1:

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