Unable to resume synching to Primary after OPVault Conversion

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Not certain this is really a beta issue, and moreoever MY DATA IS SAFE but after OPVault Conversion in 1Pv6, using the procedure outlined from the "sticky", 1Pv6 deleted the agilekeychain that was located in the ROOT of my Dropbox folder (I've been using 1Password since literally version 1, so this vault was created waaay back in the day). So far, so good. But when I turned on synching again, things changed:

  • Old Path: DropboxRoot/1Password.agilekeychain
  • New Path: DropboxRoot/Apps/1Password/1Password.opvault

"No problem," I thought (as most of us do right before we do something potentially very dumb in retrospect), "I'll just delete the vault and re-create the synch from scratch!"

HA! - no such luck, I can't figure out how to do that in iOS. I found an article in the knowledgebase that pointed me to this post: "How to sync 1Password with Dropbox" (https://support.1password.com/sync-with-dropbox/) which for iOS states: (in "how to synch additional vaults #2"):

Tap Settings > Vaults > Sync Additional Vault

Alas, in my iOS app v7.0.6, there is no such command, option or button in the Vaults section! Poking around failed to reveal an answer that I could spot, so... here I am!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @gibsoncrg: "Sync additional vault" is only available with the Pro Features upgrade. Otherwise 1Password for iOS is limited to a single vault. Do you have more than one you want to use? It sounds like you don't. So in that case, you could simply reset the app and set it up again with the new vault. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • gibsoncrg
    Community Member

    Hi @brenty - thanks for getting back to me. I deleted 1Password from my iPhone altogether, downloaded it from the App Store, and relaunched it. The first screen, of course, is asking whether I'm a new or existing user - when I go into the "Already using 1Password" section and select "Dropbox", it briefly checks for existing vaults, and comes back with a message "No Vaults Found." I restarted my iPhone and had to re-allow 1Password to access Dropbox, but the same message came up once I authorized Dropbox to allow 1Password access. I verified that the vault (as created by my desktop version of the software when I converted to .OPVault) is at this location:


    As this is a "new" install, there's no setting or other places to look to see if I can "adjust" the path it is using in Dropbox to get to the vault. Not quite sure where to go from here, so guidance appreciated!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @gibsoncrg: Do you have the Dropbox app installed? The problem is that we're asking Dropbox for and .agilekeychain or .opvault files, and it's saying there are none. I'm not sure why it does this sometimes, but removing the Dropbox app can help.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @gibsoncrg -- just a follow-up to brenty's comments: you can certainly re-install Dropbox afterwards; you don't need to banish it forever. Just wanted to make that clear. We've seen this issue a few times, and we think it has to do with the way the Dropbox app itself caches contents, combined with the fact that if you have the Dropbox app installed, then 1Password for iOS will use that to check. If the cache isn't updated, 1Password reports nothing found. We're really not quite sure under what circumstances or why this is happening, but as brenty said, deleting the Dropbox app and then using the built-in API to do the checking should work for you. You can re-install Dropbox as soon as that's done. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • gibsoncrg
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    @brenty @lars Appreciate the feedback; I deleted the Dropbox app entirely, and restarted the phone to make sure nothing was cached. I opened 1Password, went to the "Dropbox" selection in the "Already using 1Password?" section, and I came up with a page asking me to re-sign in to Dropbox, which I did. After a short delay, it looked like it flashed a "searching..." type message, but then said "No Vaults Found." To troubleshoot further: I deleted my 1Password app; restarted the phone; installed 1Password; restarted the phone; launched 1Password. Received the same sequence and same outcome: authenticate Dropbox, brief search after "allowing" access; "No Vaults Found" result. Screenshots of each step captured in case it's helpful, but I think it's the standard sequence, and just the results that are not what we want.

  • AGKyle
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gibsoncrg

    What I've seen "fix" this is moving the opvault file out of Dropbox, letting it sync, then moving it back.

    This will turn sync off on any devices that are currently looking at that file for sync though. So you should either quit 1Password 7 on your Mac completely (open main app, hold Control+Option and click Quit 1Password Completely) or just know you'll need to setup sync again if you leave it running.

    Then give it ~5 minutes before attempting to set it up on your iOS device again.

    Really sorry you're running into this though. It feels like a bug in Dropbox's API or something on their end. I've seen it a few times but often times just trying the next day or something lengthy enough like that makes the file appear again. It's almost like they're caching something and not updating the cache under certain circumstances, resulting in no results being found. Definitely not the best user experience as a result though.

  • gibsoncrg
    Community Member

    @AGKyle I'm not committed to Dropbox for the sync conduit. Really, this is a "legacy" vault for me as I have 1Password for Families for my personal stuff, and 1Password for Business for our company now for all the work stuff. You can tell I'm a fan! But I have a LOT of "old" logins in my original primary vault from the days of yore before any syncing outside of Dropbox was possible. I don't want to import this vault into my other AgileBits "cloud" accounts as it would greatly clutter up the "all vaults" searches on most of my devices - but could I do something like, perhaps, move the sync of the primary vault out of Dropbox and into iCloud and have a better experience?

  • AGKyle
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2018

    @gibsoncrg I have the same situation, let me explain how I handle it.

    1. I created a vault called "Old vaultname" (where vault name is the name of your vault) in your account, which in my case was "Old Primary Vault"
    2. I then put all my items from the old vault into that vault (note, you can move them there if you have the Primary vault on your Mac already, or if you'd prefer you can just delete it and use the importer (File -> Import, and point it to the AgileKeychain file, it should also allow you to import the .legacyagilekeychain file, this is the renamed agilekeychain file)
    3. Goto preferences > Vaults and uncheck the "Old" vault from the All Vaults list.

    Now when you view All Vaults your old vault won't appear there but you can easily goto it if you wish by manually choosing it.

    Every once in awhile I notice I am missing a login item and it's in that vault, so I'll move it over to my Personal vault or whichever vault it belongs in. Then I delete it from my Old vault. One day in the future that vault will be closer to empty and I will just go through and either realize it's all moved over or do the last remaining items and delete the vault.

    Just my way of handling it, and it has so far worked out really well for me.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I'm doing the same thing! :lol:

    My hope was to take moving to an account as an opportunity to reduce clutter in my main vault. It's sort of worked because I've deleted a lot of stuff I found I don't need...but of course as I move more and more items over it's getting cluttered again. Fortunately it was easy to create an "archive" vault in my 1Password.com account that I can dump things in that are needed but largely unused, and then hide that vault from All Vaults in preferences so it doesn't get in my way. Out of site, out of mind. :)

  • gibsoncrg
    Community Member

    @brenty @AGKyle I appreciate the feedback. I just had Dropbox stuck in my head as a sort of legacy thing, but now that I've got the 1Password family account I'll work out a version of your approaches that no longer relies on the "primary vault" synching via Dropbox. I expect and don't mind some "adventures" when tackling new software releases (esp. betas) but did want to report the overall issue. I will say that, as a long-time 1Password user (since 2011, according to my saved receipts!) I really like where 1Password has come to, and I'm already getting my wife and young son into good password habits (unique passwords everywhere, get everything important and private into 1Password). Even my 76-year-old mother is using it, and I am able to monitor and help her from afar thanks to 1Password for families! Also, THANK YOU for the increasing quality of the cross-platform Windows solution. Like many Mac users, I have a work life where I must live amongst the Microsoft clan, and with 1Password for Business and the Windows 10 client, I'm slowly getting our company into better habits, too.

  • That is great to hear, @gibsoncrg. Thanks for the kind words and feedback. :)


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