Bug: Watchtower Reused Password Animation Bug on Delete

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Checking out the new Watchtower Reused Password area...

What this movie shows:
1. Login item is selected "Autovod - Quality Process"
2. Change selection to Password item "New Password for mark@auto..."
3. Press Delete key of Password item

What you see: Login item below deleted Password item disappears; Password item remains visible for a brief moment; and then Password item disappears
What I want to see: Password item disappears; Login item remains visible for a brief moment; and then Login item disappears

This is a visual issue. The Password item is deleted correctly.

1Password Version: 7.0.BETA-16 (70000016)
Sync Type: Family


  • Hey @invalidptr! I just cleaned up a few of my reused passwords as well and noticed the same thing. We'll give it some polish in the future. :)

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