1Password7 - issues with auto login

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Beta 16, if I use 1P-mini to fill an open login window, it fills it and attempts to complete the login. Multiple websites then either log me out or the login window just comes back up (no failure warning). This happens on at least 3 different websites. A second, immediate attempt works fine and logs me in. Secondly, when my bank's webpage times out, it brings me to a re-login webpage. 1Password insists that I use a different login for this page and my normal bank login is not available to fill.

1Password Version: 7.0
Extension Version: 4.7.1
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: 1Password


  • HapMacintyre
    Community Member

    Ok, I solved the different login issue. My bank transfers to an completely different domain (from bank.org to bankonline.org) so I just added the second domain to the 1Password login and it works fine. I still have the attempted login problem though.

  • Kepi
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    Just to add on a piece of info and a possible cause, this bug (or something just like it) is present in 1Password 6 as well (v6.8.8). I just never got around to reporting it :chuffed:

    At least with Safari, if the location bar is active when the auto-submit happens, the page will just "reload". What I suspect is going on is 1Password's auto-submit is simply generating a return keypress; since the keyboard focus is in the location bar, it just loads that URL and leaves you where you already were. But now that the input focus is no longer on the location bar, hitting the 1Password fill-and-go shortcut works fine the second time.

    This is especially the case if you do what I do frequently which is to open a new Safari window with ⌘N, activate 1Password Mini, search for a login item, and hit return. The page will load but the location bar will still be active and then the auto-submit fires leading to the "errorless login failure". For site that have a dedicated login page, I have the first URL in the 1Password login item set to that login page's URL which takes the open-and-fill directly to the right spot and fires the login. The three pages you're seeing this on are probably set up the same way in your login items or have their fillable login fields already visible on the main page you land on.

    In Firefox if the location bar is active the fill happens but then the process just stops (which is better) and you can then manually submit the form.

    As for Chrome, I'm not sure as I have 1Password X installed there and don't feel like uninstalling it to check if it affects the "regular" extension ;)

  • Kepi
    Community Member

    A quick clarification to my previous post: the bug (if it is the same bug) is present in 1Password 6 as well as 7β because they're both currently using the same version of the 1Password Extension – 4.7.1 – which is what does the actual fill-and-submit.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for reporting, @HapMacintyre -- and congratulations, @Kepi - you nailed it, as @littlebobbytables noted in the following thread. We're still trying to figure out how best to address this for all Safari users, but until that happens, the workarounds suggested in that thread ought to help. Let us know if you have any questions!

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