Notes appearing / Size & Styling of field labels

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Hi there 1Password team!

Yesterday I first tried a Beta version of 1Password 7, Beta 16 - and just bought it.
Wow, I really love the new design - great job, looks really good!

However, I have 2 small issues I would report as feedback here:

1) Notes:
(Notices for items; I only use the German translation so it's "Notizen")
In beta 16 these did not appear at all - only when I did edit an item - which I find strange...
When I updated to beta 18 few minutes ago, the notes were back again, however, they seem to appear a few milliseconds later than the rest of an item - which, again, looks a bit strange.
For me, the notes of an item are very important and I would love when those just appear right away

2) Labels of fields:
I would LOVE to have the font size of the labels slightly bigger - in the main app window they are very small - here especially a slightly bigger font size or any other emphasis would make the whole thing more clearer for me and I would get an overview of an item way faster, I guess
In the 1Password mini app the label font size feels a bit more balanced in comparison to the field content - but still it feels not perfect yet

Maybe you can do something about those few "issues", that would be wonderful!

And beyond all that, I love this new version ;-)

Kind regards,
Dave :)

1Password Version: 7.0 Beta 18
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS 10.12.6
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @deckerweb: Thanks for getting in touch! I'm glad you're enjoying 1Password 7 so far! :)

    1) Notes: (Notices for items; I only use the German translation so it's "Notizen") In beta 16 these did not appear at all - only when I did edit an item - which I find strange...When I updated to beta 18 few minutes ago, the notes were back again, however, they seem to appear a few milliseconds later than the rest of an item - which, again, looks a bit strange. For me, the notes of an item are very important and I would love when those just appear right away

    Thanks for bringing this up. I'm seeing that in some cases too. We'll see if we can improve performance.

    ref: apple-107

    2) Labels of fields: I would LOVE to have the font size of the labels slightly bigger - in the main app window they are very small - here especially a slightly bigger font size or any other emphasis would make the whole thing more clearer for me and I would get an overview of an item way faster, I guess In the 1Password mini app the label font size feels a bit more balanced in comparison to the field content - but still it feels not perfect yet

    It's certainly something we'll consider as we continue to refine the new design. Thanks for the feedback on the text display — and for participating in the beta! :chuffed:

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