Cmd + \ no longer lists multiple login options for a single site

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

WIth the new 1Password mini, the Cmd + \ shortcut no longer lists multiple available login options for the same site. Instead, it just chooses one and fills it. If autologin is enabled, it even logs in and forces me to logout and choose another one manually. The one it chooses is not clear to me. It's not always the first on the list or the one in the favorites list, if there's one. There must be some other criteria to select which one to use. To make things worse, if I have multiple logins (usernames + passwords) for the same site, they don't all show up in the "Suggested Items" list in the new big centered 1Password mini popup. I have to go ahead and search for them in order to find what I want. The old 1Passqord mini (and browser extensions) worked quite differently. If I had multiple login options to the same site, 1Password mini would pop up and let me choose which one to use.

1Password Version: 7.0 BETA-18
Extension Version:
OS Version: OS X 10.13.4
Sync Type: 1Password account


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Eric_Santos: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the confusion! If there is a single exact match for the URL you're visiting, 1Password will fill that when you hit the "fill login" keyboard shortcut, ⌘ \. That hasn't changed. What has changed is that there's no longer an option (which was off be default, but you must have enabled) to ignore subdomains completely and treat all logins for the same domain as equal. That caused a ton of confusion (and plenty of complaints when 1Password offered a list instead of filling), so we have no plans of bringing that back. But there are a few things you can do which may help your use case:

    • Save more generic URLs if you want logins to be matched more generically — e.g. if you use as the URL instead of, this will get you the same behaviour you had set before: 1Password will not compare the subdomain (because none is saved in the login), only the domain.
    • Disable autosubmit — it sounds like this kind of drives you nuts either way, and I have to admit I leave it disabled most of the time too. As you said, if you've got multiple logins for the same site and you use the wrong one, it's kind of a pain to have to sign out and then back in again. Better to realize you've used the wrong one and select another in the first place.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • Eric_Santos
    Community Member

    @brenty Thanks for your fast response. My issue does not fit into either of the scenarios you mentioned in the first paragraph. It's actually two different logins for the same site (like two different twitter accounts, one personal and one corporate, or two different Apple IDs in different countries). So the URL match should be exactly the same. But 1Password 7 BETA-16 and later does not show the list of all EXACT matches. It simply chooses one and fills it. My understanding then is that the only way to work around it is to disable autosubmit and stop using Cmd + \, instead opening the 1Password extension popup manually to choose which login I want at any given time. But this is a lot less productive. Am I right on this assumption?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    But 1Password 7 BETA-16 and later does not show the list of all EXACT matches. It simply chooses one and fills it.

    @Eric_Santos: I'm not seeing that here. That would be a bug, if there are really multiple exact matches and 1Password isn't asking you to select one. Can you tell me how to reproduce it?

  • Eric_Santos
    Community Member

    @brenty not sure. Just doing what I always did. The AppleID portal is one of the best examples I have. I have two different accounts in different countries. With the old 1Password mini (and extensions), I would press Cmd + \ and the popup would show me a list of exact matches. The new version does not popup nor shows me anything. It just fills the fields with one of the matches. If I want to see the list, I have to open the 1Password mini floating window. Then all my possible logins show up in the "APPLEID.APPLE.COM PASSWORDS" section on the top right. Funny thing is that Cmd+\ picks the SECOND one in the list even though the first one is marked as a favorite.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Eric_Santos: That's very helpful. Thank you! I guess the question I have is, what are the URLs you have saved for the first two logins in that list? I think the bug you're hitting is that 1Password mini has some sorting issues. I suspect that the second login is an exact match for the page you're filling, and the first is not. But I look forward to you proving or disproving my hypothesis. :)

  • Eric_Santos
    Community Member

    @brenty you proved to be right. The second login URL is "" and the first is "". And the site I am visiting is "!&page=signin". I noticed now that even small changes leads to the issue. For example, another site for which I have multiple logins is "". I have two logins: one saved with "" and the other saved with "". And 1Password picks the first without asking. So, I guess you're right: I must have chosen to ignore subdomains in the previous version.

    Any suggestions to improve this?

  • Eric_Santos
    Community Member

    In the second example above (Monetus), I manually edited the URL on both logins to be "" and now the popup windows shows up as expected with both suggestions. So I guess is to go through my logins and fine tune the URLs so they are the same...

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Eric_Santos: Well, right or wrong, we still have a bug. But I thank you for confirming which one it is. :lol: It isn't something yo need to do; we just need to improve the sorting so it's less confusing. Thanks again! :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Eric_Santos: If it helps, the "reason" that 1Password is showing the first Apple login above the second is because it's a Favorite. It should not be above an exact match if it is not one itself, so that's the bug. Before you go through and edit all of your logins to compensate for this bug, I'll clarify how this should work:

    If you have more than one login which matches the current URL, 1Password presents a list of all of those, in the following order (all alphabetical within each subset):

    1. Exact matches for subdomain.domain.tld which are marked as Favorites
    2. Exact matches for subdomain.domain.tld which are not marked as Favorites
    3. Inexact matched (different subdomain) which are marked as Favorites
    4. Inexact matched (different subdomain) which are not marked as Favorites

    When everything is working correctly, if you often find that the login you want is further down the list, consider changing the URL to the place where you use it, marking it as a Favorite, and/or changing the name. I hope this helps. :)

    ref: apple-1326

  • Eric_Santos
    Community Member

    Understood, @brenty. That information is really helpful. Some house cleaning on my logins is long overdue, anyway, so I better do it now regardless.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2018

    Fair enough. You're welcome. Just...try to enjoy your weekend a bit too. ;)

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