Mac Beta 7: Mini & Special Character Sorting

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac


Is it me, or has Beta 7 Mini stopped pushing my bulleted β€’, or @ passwords to the top of the Mini password list again? Seems this always happens with new major betas: sorting breaks, the issue gets reported, and you all fixed it again ... or am I just hallucinating? Something to be said for consistency. πŸ‘

Guess this is me reporting it again (for b7 at least) & hoping it's fixable. πŸ™‚

1Password Version: 7.0BETA-18 (70000018)
Extension Version: 4.7.1b4
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: 1p Cloud


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @go2jo: They should be sorted along with items starting with digits or special characters, which is what I'm seeing here. Is that not the case? You can configure whether those are at the top or bottom in Preferences > Advanced. Let me know what you find!

  • go2jo
    Community Member

    @brenty In the 1P app, yes, if you checked "Show numbers & symbols first." they sort first in the app, but not in 1P mini. Putting a bullet or @ symbol in from of a password name ALWAYS pushed a password name to the top of the list in mini even in v6. I don't know if this is something the devs hard coded into mini, but it was always a timesaver; especially when you have multiple password choices in mini. If it had a bullet in front of the password name it drove it to the top of the list & I could just hit enter even though there were other choices in the list.

    I've gone as far as reinstalling v6, taking a screenshot to show what I've been talking about. I've also included a screenshot from v7.

    Yeah ... I'm a hardcore beta tester. Β―_(ツ)_/Β―

    But after all that, I discovered something I never knew before. No bullet needed if I make a password a FAVE! D'oh! I've been using 1P since v1(?) & NEVER knew that. Guess it pays to RTFM. But then a gain ... what's a manual? πŸ˜‰

    Guess I solved my own problem issue. I love when that happens! Thanks!

  • go2jo
    Community Member

    Oh .. and on that Fave thing ... wish there were a way to see faves in any list view in the app, sort of like you do in mini.

    Something like this?


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @go2jo: Aha! Thank you for clarifying. Indeed, we have an issue filed for this. That setting is for the main 1Password app and applies only to the item list there, not in mini or tags. Favorites do help with making it easier to get to important items, but I do agree this behaviour is a bit confusing too β€” and that it might also be nice to have the star right on the item icon in al views. Thank you for brining this up! :)

    ref: apple-747, apple-275

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