1 P versions



  • @ronen,

    1Password 7 isn't a free update. You would need to either purchase a license via the version 7 from our website or subscribe to a 1password.com account to move forward.

  • ronen
    Community Member

    I think it's not fair to pay again for the same 1P .
    Iv'e already paid for the present one and if will upgrade I'll pay again .
    I think that I don't need to pay the same price as none 1P users do .
    Meaning : if I'm a loyal 1P user for many years , the upgrade price should be less then a new 1P user .
    At the moment I'm using the AppStore 6 ver in all my devices and I'm thinking to _move to another Password App _as from you I am very very disappointed .

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    I don't agree with you about fairness, but we can differ. Major upgrades require a lot of work, and one should expect to pay again. I have a few excellent programs for which the licence covers all versions (I don't know how the developer manages that, maybe by being one person working in their spare time from a major job) but most programs do require a further payment for an upgrade. Sometimes I pay and sometimes I stay on the old version.

    On the whole I agree with you about pricing for old and new users, I would have preferred to see an upgrade price and a new price. However AgileBits have explained why they have the pricing they do, and I can see their point without necessarily agreeing with it.

    There are other password managers that are much cheaper, even some free ones, but I doubt if they are as good as 1PW.

  • ronen
    Community Member
    edited October 2018

    Now I'm using 1Password Version 6.8.9 from Mac App Store.
    Syncing to all my apple devices.

    Happy with it !!!

    I didn't find any major reason to again pay AND SOFTWARE IMPROVEMENTS for the 7 ver .

    M I missing something ?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2018

    I think it's not fair to pay again for the same 1P .

    @ronen: We agree. If you have already purchased 1Password 6, you don't have to pay for that again. The new app, however, is a separate purchase. We can only put that kind of work into it if we also charge for it.

    Iv'e already paid for the present one and if will upgrade I'll pay again . I think that I don't need to pay the same price as none 1P users do . Meaning : if I'm a loyal 1P user for many years , the upgrade price should be less then a new 1P user .

    I don't think it's fair to give only you a discounted or free upgrade when others don't get that.

    At the moment I'm using the AppStore 6 ver in all my devices and I'm thinking to _move to another Password App _as from you I am very very disappointed .

    I'm sorry to hear that. I don't follow your logic, since you say you're happy with 1Password 6, but if you find you prefer some other software you should use that. Whatever does it for you. We want happy users, not trapped ones.

    Now I'm using 1Password Version 6.8.9 from Mac App Store. Syncing to all my apple devices. Happy with it !!!

    I'm really glad to hear that you're enjoying 1Password 6! We put a lot of work into that, and it means a lot that you supported us by paying for it. Thank you! <3

    I didn't find any major reason to again pay AND SOFTWARE IMPROVEMENTS for the 7 ver . M I missing something ?

    Certainly not everyone values the same features. If 1Password 6 does all that you need it to, I can understand why you might not see a reason to upgrade right now. It's not going anywhere though, so if in the future you find that you want Markdown formatting, dark mode, Watchtower 2.0, or just support for the latest OS and browser releases, you can always upgrade later. Cheers! :)

  • ronen
    Community Member

    Basically, it’s not fair to decide on a new version (and pay full price) and keep the old ver with no updates , again, if there was a better price for your loyal customers with present 1P I will be the first one to upgrade and pay.
    What if you decide to make a newer ver ? Will I pay for the third time full price ?
    I feel like hostage as if I will not buy the 7 ver and stay in 6 , my 1P will not be updated. And if I’ll buy the 7 I’ll pay twice full price

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ronen: No. Paying people for their work is the definition of fair. Do you work for free? Again, you don't have to pay for the same version twice, but if you want to use the new version there is a cost associated with that. Without getting paid for our products, there would not be anyone here to respond to you. Period.

  • ronen
    Community Member

    No need to to become angry.
    We are using this forum to discuss as you sell and I buy. In politeness as we can.
    I didn’t say that I want a free version. I said that as a 1P user I will be glad to pay a reduce price as I’ve paid a full price for the previous ver.
    I think that this issue is fully discussed.
    If someone will convince me with a ver 7 significant improvement over ver 6 , I will positively consider buying

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ronen: I'm not angry. I hope you're not either. :)

    As mentioned in the announcement I linked you to earlier, 1Password 7 was made available at a reduced price initially. I don't know when that will end, but it's still available as I write this.

    But again, if you're happy with version 6, that's probably not important. Enjoy your weekend! :)

  • ronen
    Community Member

    All good.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Likewise, hope you've got good weather wherever you are! I'm enjoying the cool-but-not-too-cold-and-grey of autumn. :lol:

  • ronen
    Community Member

    Israel, Sunny all year !

  • ronen
    Community Member
    edited October 2018

    **HELP Please **
    I did as follows (An iMac macOS 10.14)
    I have ver 6 from App Store
    1. download from App Store ver 7 .
    2. opened an 1p account filled my credit card agree to add account (pop app appears)
    3. when all my data appears in the new ver 7 locale in my iMac I ...
    4. moved the ver 6 to iMac's trash .
    5. in my 1p account I don't see my ver 6/7 data
    6. didn't at this point make any iCloud syncing preferences changing and didn't make any action in my other iOS devices
    8. Thanks
    9. I think that after creating my new account it didn't ask me to copy ......
    PS - Do I need only your version or AppStore ver is also compatible ?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Israel, Sunny all year !

    @ronen: Okay, you win. :lol:

    **HELP Please **

    It sounds like you setup 1Password 7 without your existing data, essentially as a new user. Do you have no data in the "Primary" and "Archive" vaults?

    PS - Do I need only your version or AppStore ver is also compatible ?

    Nope! Both work with 1Password.com accounts. There just isn't a license purchase option in the Mac App Store version.

  • ronen
    Community Member
    edited October 2018

    1. I have manually move the data in the "Primary" and "Archive" vaults to from ver 6 to 7 . and delete the local vaults
    2. I opened a 1Password.com Account ( with yearly payment ) and configure all my 1P (OS X and iOS ) to "use" that account.
    I see now that all my vaults r in the 1Password.com account
    Will I have all the 1Password.com account benefits such as free 1P upgrades ?
    3. General question : where is the data placed ? is it in the 1Password.com account ? locally in every iOS - mac device ? all together ?
    4. Although there is in the 1Password.com account data, Do you have a backup procedure to make a local Backup in a separate place like external HD
    3. thanks

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks. 1. I have manually move the data in the "Primary" and "Archive" vaults to from ver 6 to 7 . and delete the local vaults

    @ronen: Ah, great! :)

    1. I opened a 1Password.com Account ( with yearly payment ) and configure all my 1P (OS X and iOS ) to "use" that account. I see now that all my vaults r in the 1Password.com account

    Yep! If you're only seeing your 1Password.com account and its vaults on all your devices, you're in good shape!

    Will I have all the 1Password.com account benefits such as free 1P upgrades ?

    All of the apps and upgrades are included in a 1Password.com membership, so you're covered. :)

    1. General question : where is the data placed ? is it in the 1Password.com account ? locally in every iOS - mac device ? all together ?

    Good question! The encrypted data is stored in your account on the server. But when you sign into your account on a device, it is also cached there. That way you can access it even if you have no internet connection.

    1. Although there is in the 1Password.com account data, Do you have a backup procedure to make a local Backup in a separate place like external HD 3. thanks

    That isn't something we recommend since it's a hassle and it's not usable, but all of the local data is stored in ~/Library/Group Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits. More importantly, 1Password.com includes automatic, redundant, versioned offsite backup for your encrypted 1Password data, so you'll always have a backup there and can even restore earlier versions of items using item history. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • ronen
    Community Member

    Dear Brenty
    Thanks for your reply
    Very appreciated

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2018

    You're very welcome! Here if you need anything else. Enjoy the sunshine! :chuffed:

This discussion has been closed.