1 Vault. Mistakenly imported logins twice.

1Pass 7 on win 10. 1 account, 1 vault=personal. have two identical tag lists, imported 2 minutes apart. Would like to delete oldest logins in oldest tag list, as they are duplicates. I only see a way to delete the 339 logins one by one. Need help on deleting logins in the old tag list.

1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: win 10
Sync Type: dropbox


  • @Art_Lee you can select "Imported " tag to see only items with that tag, then you can right click on any item in the list and use "Select All" (Ctrl+A), right click again and you can trash unwanted items. The screenshot is from Beta version, but it works the same on Stable.

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