Link Existing non-responsive (both in documents and logins)

I'm missing the Mac capability to automatically upload and link a new file to a login (in fact, I'm really missing just having files attached to the login, but no matter).

What I'm seeing right now is that if I click the Link Existing button on either the login or the separately uploaded document, I get a momentary (<5sec) pause in responsiveness, but no actual action -- no list of potential documents/logins to link to the login/document.

1Password Version: 7.1.562
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10.0.17134
Sync Type:


  • @battis: I'm not seeing this on my end. Do you see the same issue with other items, by chance? We've had some issues with UI not rendering due to some graphics driver bugs, but I wouldn't expect this menu to be impacted at first glance, so my initial thought would be either something related to these items specifically. Could you try clicking that button in a different item and let me know if you see the same behavior? Thanks! :chuffed:

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