I'm now a subscriber and am having trouble deleting my standalone vault on windows PC.
I've recently moved across to a subscription from a standalone vault. How do I delete my standalone vault in 1Password4? When I open my account, on the left hand side there is a heading 'All Vaults' and under that it says "0 Vaults" Below that, there is my name and next to that there is a blue icon with a white flag inside of it. and below that it says 'Personal'. When I click on that I can see my passwords etc.
I've tried to follow the instructions you provide online to delete the standalone vault in 1Password 4 but they're not quite working for me. Thanks in advance for your help.
1Password Version: 7.1.567 and
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: Manual (for 1password 4)
Referrer: forum-search:I'm now a subscriber and am having trouble deleting my standalone vault on windows PC.
@sru889: Indeed, depending on when/how you setup the standalone vault, it can be tricky to remove. Sorry about that. However, if you have all of your data in your 1Password.com account already (please double check!) it can also be fairly easy: just reset the app and then set it up with only your 1Password.com account. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)