Watchtower not updating

Hi there,
As im adding accounts to 1password, the watchtower doesn't seem to update in the windows app, for instance one account flagged up for 2FA where as another hasn't, even though i can see both do have the option by manually inputting it into Is there a way to refresh the watchtower in the windows app?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:haveibeenpwned


  • MikeT
    edited July 2018

    Hi @Gfivenine,

    Thanks for writing in.

    We do automatically check every time you create a new item, there is no need to refresh manually. I've just created a new Login item for and it showed me 2FA banner right away. Note that it does depend on subdomains, as 2FA may not be available on main domain but on certain subdomains only.

    If you are editing rather than creating, there is a bug where it doesn't remove vulnerability warning for older (but later fixed) vulnerable items and we've fixed it for the next update.

    If you're expecting 2FA to show up on a specific item, can you tell us what URL it is?

  • Gfivenine
    Community Member

    Thanks for the quick reply,
    I was expecting it for it to flag up for twitch and steam and so i dont think the subdomain complication would apply here.
    How does the 1password app know if the account has 2FA enabled anyway?

  • Hi @Gfivenine,

    How does the 1password app know if the account has 2FA enabled anyway?

    It only knows if you've set 1Password to be the authenticator, it'll scan your items for the 2FA field. If it has one, it'll be 2FA enabled.

    If you already set the site with a different authenticator, you can add a tag named 2FA and 1Password will stop showing the banner.

    I was expecting it for it to flag up for twitch and steam

    We've excluded these sites as they can't use 1Password as the authenticator, they have their own custom authenticator.

  • Gfivenine
    Community Member

    That all makes sense, thanks for your help Mike.

  • You're welcome!

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