Bug with password containing "@" [Due to German (and other lang) using AltGR key)

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 7 for Windows

Hello 1Password Team,

For years I have the problem of creating a new entry in 1 Password that aborts entering a password every time I enter the"@" sign.
As soon as I typ the "@" sign the input is closed and the field masked.

It seems that the"@" character is used as the control character for 1Password.

How can I enter passwords containing a "@ sign without having to remember to open the password field again and enter the missing part of the password after the@" character?


1Password Version: 7.2.572
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10.1803
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MikeT
    edited July 2018

    Hi @Nightrider,

    Thanks for reporting this. Are you able to reproduce this if you were to reboot in safe mode with networking?

    We are not using @ or technically, Shift + 2 for anything, there is no code that deals with either one. Can you tell me what keyboard language and locale you're using? It is possible @/Shift+2 on your keyboard is something else in English that Windows may be misinterpreting.

    If you open NotePad and type @, do you notice any oddities? Like some activity in the notification tray area?

  • Nightrider
    Community Member

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for your quick response.

    I see this problems for years and on a lot of different machines with different 1password versions.

    So I don't think it's a machine-related problem.

    Because I'm in IT Support for 20 years I already have checked a lot ...

    But while testing right now I found this:
    I'm using a german keyboard & layout.
    To enter the "@ sign I have to use the ALT-GR Key in kombination with Q".


    When I'm using the ALT-GR key an already present passwort field will be unmasked and when releasing the ALT-GR key all the password fields are masked again ... also the new one I'm currently trying to enter a new password :-O

    So the problem is not related to the "@" sign but to the ALT-GR key and it's function to unmask a password field.

    I can reproduce the behavior also with ALT-GR key and the Euro sign "€".

    Hope this helps.


  • MikeT
    edited July 2018

    Hi @Nightrider,

    Ah, yes. Windows treat AltGR as the same as Control + Alt. We'll try to ignore the app shortcuts when you're editing an item or focusing the password field.

    Thanks for reporting this!

    ref: OPW-2331

  • Nightrider
    Community Member

    Hi Mike,

    that would help a lot 😉


  • Yep, it will. I'm curious why we didn't see much reports on this, we'd have this issue for years but I think you're the first to report this. Regardless, we will get this fixed.

  • Hi @Nightrider,

    Stay tuned for this in the next beta update:

  • Nightrider
    Community Member

    Hi @MikeT .... looking good 😉👍

  • 👍

  • Hi @Nightrider,

    1Password 7.2.573 is now out with the fix for your keyboard issue, please let us know if it works.

  • Nightrider
    Community Member

    Hi @MikeT
    the fix for the ALTGR problem works perfectly!
    Thanks for the quick implementation... and keep on going!


  • MikeT
    edited July 2018

    Great, thanks for your help.

    Yep, we're already on the next beta update with a few nice improvements.

This discussion has been closed.