1Password 6.8.496 High CPU and very large log file generated.
Over the last couple days we've had a single user who's 1Password has spiked CPU usage on terminal server up to 70%. It's also generated extremely large log files. 22 GB yesterday 15 GB today. Need advice on how to address. For now we've had to tell the user not to launch in his Citrix session. Thanks.
1Password Version: 6.8.496
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Win Server 2008 R2 Ent
Sync Type: Not Provided
Hi @Melo103,
Thanks for reporting this.
Please have your user terminate 1Password (via 1Password menu > Exit) and download 1Password 7.2 from here to update it.
Once updated, go to the Help menu > Troubleshooting > Delete logs to clean up the logs.
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Hey Mike,
Thanks for the feedback. So upgrading is the only option here? We'd have to update for the whole company. Would this incur a cost?
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Hi @Melo103,
1Password 7 for Windows is a free update to all 1Password 6 for Windows customers, there are no upgrade fees. Your user should've been prompted to update to 1Password 7 but for some reason, they didn't get the prompt.
If you're using 1Password.com Team or Business membership, there are no separate fees for any 1Password apps either, all future upgrades are included as part of your 1Password membership.
You do not have to upgrade the entire company either to 1Password 7. Are you installing 1Password as a single copy for all users rather than single copy per user's profile?
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The CPU spike/log size may be because of an old bug where if there is no more native messaging pipes available, 1Password keeps looping forever until it finds an available one.
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OK thanks again. Will advise client.
Have a good one!
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You're welcome, please do keep us informed of the progress.