Installing 1Password for windows on a corporate device


I have a 1Password for Families subscription and would like to install the the 1Password application (and chrome extension) onto my work laptop. The company I work for does not have 1Password for Business.

Ignoring whether my company will allow this or not, does 1Password's terms and conditions allow installing on corporate devices for personal use, even if that company does not have a 1Password license/subscription?

Thanks in advance.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @alanhowells,

    Thanks for writing in.

    Yes, that's absolutely fine, we do not force nor require any company to have a business plan just because their employees are using 1Password personal accounts.

    You can use 1Password anywhere you want it, it's your data.

  • alanhowells
    Community Member

    Thank you Mike!

    That is what I thought, but my company is being a pain!

    Is there anywhere that specifically addresses this (web page, section of Terms and Conditions)? So that I can give the relevant link to our IT team.

    I tried searching but wasn't successful (hence the post :smile:)


  • We don't have anything that specifically states this, everything is in this page:

    If you can email us directly at with the link to this thread included, I'll get someone to look into it for you with more details.

  • alanhowells
    Community Member

    :+1: Thanks Mike, have sent an email.

  • Great, we got your email and our team will follow up as soon as possible.

    ref: CUZ-45543-814

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