Can't get synched

I’m a new user. I set up the program on the computer I’m using now. I have set up several web sites for logins and password. As a test, I changed one password with the generator. Everything works OK. So I set up the program on a second computer. For the test, I went to the web site where I had changed the password to the one generated by 1password. It still shows the old password, and I can’t log on. It’s not synching.

1Password Version: 7.2.501
Extension Version:
OS Version: latest windows
Sync Type: ?


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @HBinSF,

    Thank you for getting in touch! :+1:

    First of all, could you please go to your second computer and sign in to your account on in the browser there. Do you see your new or old password there?

    I am asking you this because I want to understand which 1Password 7 app is to blame for these sync issues, the one on your first computer or the second one. Additionally, please try to lock/unlock the app on your second computer and check if it syncs your data after that.

    Thanks in advance!


  • HBinSF
    Community Member

    Hi Greg-

    Actually, a more significant issue has come up. Besides the 2 computers I use at home, I have two at work. I downloaded the application to both of my computers at work, and as soon as I launch the application, I get a message that the application has stopped working. As long as I can't get the application to work here at my job, there's no point in using the 1Password at all.

  • MikeT
    edited October 2018

    Hi @HBinSF,

    I downloaded the application to both of my computers at work, and as soon as I launch the application, I get a message that the application has stopped working.

    What Windows version are you using on that PC? Is it Windows 7 or 8.1? If either version, please make sure .NET 4.7.2 is installed first as it is required. You can download it here, once you do this, you'll have to uninstall 1Password, reboot, and then install 1Password again. It should work.

  • As for the other issue:

    As a test, I changed one password with the generator.

    Did you use the generator within the Login item inside 1Password or did you use 1Password extension to generate the password?

    If the latter, when you signed in, did 1Password prompt to update the password? If not, you have to update the Login item manually. Generating a new password wouldn't update the original Login item until you sign in with the new password first.

  • HBinSF
    Community Member

    Hi Greg-

    Actually, a more significant issue has come up. Besides the 2 computers I use at home, I have two at work. I downloaded the application to both of my computers at work, and as soon as I launch the application, I get a message that the application has stopped working. As long as I can't get the application to work here at my job, there's no point in using the 1Password at all.

  • HBinSF
    Community Member

    I've read your last message a few times, but I don't understand. I didn't know there would be a difference between using 1Password from the extension and using it from the application. And I don't remember the sequence of events. What would you recommend I do at this point?

  • HBinSF
    Community Member

    Boy, this isn't working well for me at all. It would be great if you had instructions for synching posted, instead of having to try to work through all these threads. It seems like if I put in a password on one computer, the other computer can now see that I've put in a password. But once I change a password, it doesn't get it.

  • Hi @HBinSF,

    I'm sorry about the issues you're having.

    It would be great if you had instructions for synching posted, instead of having to try to work through all these threads.

    There is no separate syncing instruction because it is all automatically done by 1Password. 99% of our users have no syncing issues in any of the 1Password apps. Unfortunately, when it fails like in your case, it is usually something else.

    Please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report and email it to us at Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • HBinSF
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply. I got a suggestion of what to do next from Greg @ Agile Bits. Rather than get too many solutions going at the same time, I'll go through his steps (install .net, reinstall 1Password, etc. If it still doesn't synch, I'll get back to you.

  • Great, thanks. We'll keep this limited to the emails.

  • HBinSF
    Community Member

    Greg got me going on the synch issue. Here's another question, though. I went to a web site I hadn't ever entered in 1Password, and
    updated a password on one of my computers, and saved it in 1 password. I went to another of my computers, and started up 1Password. I saw the item appearing in the list. I launched the application from the screen in 1Password, but it filled in the password that had previously been saved in Google. Luckily I had written it down on a piece of paper, so I was able to enter it manually, and then save it in 1Password. Do I have to go in and manually disable the passwords saved in Chrome?

  • Hi @HBinSF,

    Yes, we recommend that you disable the browser's password manager to avoid issues like that. Here's how:

  • HBinSF
    Community Member

    I had already turned off the switch that says "offer to save passwords", as recommended in the link you sent. But it still automatically filled in the password that had been previously saved in Chrome. What do I do next?

  • Hi @HBinSF,

    Are you sure it is Chrome and not a different password manager? Check your list of extensions, make sure it's not one of the other extensions.

    1Password does not automatically fill in anything without your intervention first.

This discussion has been closed.