Open 1Password 7 local vault in 1Password 4

Since upgrading from 1Password 4 to 1Password 7 Standalone (Windows) I maintain 1Password 4 on my PC so I can WLAN Sync to my iPhone. 1PW4 is no longer able to open my 1PW7 local vault. Am I doing something wrong?

1Password Version: 1PW4 and 1PW7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 Pro 1803
Sync Type: WLAN Sync


  • @bradster62: Without some additional detail about your problem, it's difficult to provide any suggestions. What's going wrong in 1Password 4? Are you unable to unlock? Not seeing your data in your vault? Are you seeing an error? Any detail you can provide would be a great help. Thanks! :chuffed:

  • bradster62
    Community Member

    I think I have sorted this out. At least on the 1Password7 side. I could not locate my *.opvault files. The diagnostic log also indicated they could be found. Yet I have all my data. Weird. I created new opvault files, an then copied the items using control_A > Items > Share copy to vault.

  • Hi @bradster62,

    1Password 7 has an internal database with your data, so it can work without the external sync vault folders.

    Are you saying when you look at the diagnostics report showing the full path to the folder, you've checked with Windows Explorer and it is not there?

    Are you using any other syncing tools that may be syncing your 1Password folders?

  • bradster62
    Community Member

    Hi Mike. I've created some complexity by remaining on a standalone license. Let's avoid the discussion of memberships.

    Here is my environment.

    I was using 1PW4 and WLAN sync to my iPhone until upgrading to 1PW7 earlier this year.

    For the last six months or so, I have been using 1PW7 Windows. I use Goodsync to synchronize my document folder between a Windows desktop PC and a Windows laptop on my home network. The use of Goodsync is not exclusive to my use of 1PW. GoodSync syncs all my documents between the two PCs. It works flawlessly.

    FYI.. GoodSync syncs the 1Password directory containing the opvault files and whatever else 1PW puts there.

    GoodSync is not syncing the database. In fact, I was not aware of this db until just recently. What is it's purpose?

    I also periodically (monthly) sync the opvault files to a usb drive to update my work laptop at the office.

    I also use 1PW on my iPhone. Using 1PW4 and WLAN Sync periodically (monthly) to keep my phone updated with 1PW data. The 1PW4 instances read my 1PW7 Opvault files.

    Original Problem report
    I tried to update my iPhone with 1PW4 WLAN Sync. I could not locate my opvault files.

    In my last post, I mentioned I created new vault files.

    This seems to have corrected my issue.

    I can open the new vault in 1PW4 and use WLAN Sync to update my iPhone.

    I wish 1PW7 would natively sync (peer to peer) with my iPhone. I prefer to keep my 1PW data off the internet.

    Any comments on this? Especially discussion on the opvault vs. the database.

    Thank you.

  • MikeT
    edited October 2018

    Hi @bradster62,

    I tried to update my iPhone with 1PW4 WLAN Sync. I could not locate my opvault files. "F:\Users\john\Documents\1Password\JS1-HOME.opvault"

    Please review the GoodSync logs to see if it trashed it. We had a few cases in the past where various third party tools did trash the folder because when 1Password updates a few items, it rewrites the files. Some tools see it as deletion and then sync it before the files are re-saved.

    GoodSync is not syncing the database. In fact, I was not aware of this db until just recently. What is it's purpose?

    That's fine, you should not be syncing that internal database.

    1Password uses an internal database for a lot of reasons, one is performance/optimization, we can parse hundreds of items in a faction of what it takes to scan all 16 large JSON files on the drive. The other reason is that you can view all of your individual vaults and 1Password accounts in the same database without having to unlock each one, the database is encrypted with one master password while each vault/account is inserted into their own tables with their individual encryption keys that are re-encrypted with the master password.

    We reuse the database structure for the accounts as well, meaning we treat the data stored in the account like a database, making the sync very fast. Update one item, it's just one row to update and all 1Password apps instantly know which row to update.

    For the standalone vault, 1Password exports from the internal database to the external OPVault folder on demand and import when it detects the changes in the folder.

This discussion has been closed.