Autostart on Windows 10 logon not working

Hi, I'm not able to get the autostart with Windows logon to work. I've tried to disable and reenable it, I've deinstalled Nod32 Antivirus but nothing seems to work. I'm not even shure what the right behaviour should be (starting in a maximized window?). I've checked in the autostart tab in taskmanager and 1Password for Windows Desktop is listed as activated. To start 1Password from my icon in the taskbar I need two mouseclicks instead of the one click needed for any other app with a shortcut there (Firefox for example). Once startet for the first time after signing in everything works fine and only one mouseclick is needed after closing the 1Password to start it up again. Any help to give it a kickstart after booting up would be highly appreciated.

Kind regards from Germany, Martin

1Password Version: 7.2.581
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 (1803)
Sync Type: 1password account


  • Hi @Zzorrkk,

    Thanks for reporting this.

    By default, 1Password auto-starts to the notification tray area minimized. Control + Click on it would bring up the main interface but a click would bring up 1Password mini.

    Are you saying if you click on 1Password icon in the notification area, it doesn't do anything?

  • Zzorrkk
    Community Member

    Wow - thats a quick reply! Thanks! I never used Control+click before. The tray Icon is there minimized on Startup. Using Control + click brings up an MS .NET Framework error about something like a Bad IL Range (my translation from german). I can choose to ignore it and everything then works ok. I guess that happens every time but only minimized…

    Any ideas?

  • Hi @Zzorrkk,

    That's very odd, I can't reproduce that error. So, if 1Password is minimized, you see the same error every time you control + click but if 1Password is not minimized and in the background instead, it focuses 1Password fine?

  • Zzorrkk
    Community Member

    Just tested after reboot:

    First time I control+click I get the error, clicking on "continue" in the error window does nothing in spite of the error message telling me the app will start. Control+clicking again brings up the same error. To acutally start 1Password I can't use the tray Icon at all. I need to click on my taskbar shortcut twice like I said earlier. I think the tray icon disappears after first clicking on my shortcut. Seems like I need to get rid of the tray icon somehow before being able to start it...

    I have had this kind of behaviour since upgrading from version 4 to a subscription and the latest version. I'm using the Edge and Firefox extension.

    I'm not shure if I can reinstall or update MS .NET...

  • Zzorrkk
    Community Member
    edited October 2018

    just tested again - the tray icon really obviously needs to disappear before starting the app is possible. It disappears after first trying to start using the normal shortcut.
    After starting the app, the new tray Icon works as intended eg. after Closing the app there is still a tray Icon which then CAN be used to start by Control+click

  • Hi @Zzorrkk,

    just tested again - the tray icon really obviously needs to disappear before starting the app.

    It means 1Password has crashed if you see it disappear like that, there is no reason it should do that beside crashing.

    Can you email us your 1Password diagnostics report, which should include some crash reports for us to investigate. Please use this guide to generate the report and email it to us at Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • Zzorrkk
    Community Member
    edited October 2018

    Mail has gone out to you - support ID is [#JRJ-39324-179].

  • Thanks, we got the email and will reply as soon as we can.

    ref: JRJ-39324-179

This discussion has been closed.