Chrome extension not syncing with 1Password program

I've recently noticed that the new logins I create in my Chrome extension are not syncing with the 1Password software installed on the same computer. I've disabled my antivirus software, Avast, to see if this is blocking the communication between the extension and the software, but this has not resolved the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Please launch the main 1Password program, and choose Help > Restart 1Password Helper.

    If that doesn’t solve the problem, please try removing the extension (from within the browser) and re-installing it (from the Browsers tab of 1Password preferences).

    You say you've tried disabling all antivirus, antimalware, firewall, and similar software, but you might find some useful information in the “Configuring problematic antivirus/malware software” article in the "FAQ" section of the user's guide, accessible from the Help menu and in the Support area of our web site.

    If that doesn't solve the problem, please try disabling other browser extensions. If that solves the problem, you can re-enable them, one at a time, until the problem reappears; then let us know which one was the culprit.

    Let us know how it goes, @Abicio‌.

  • Abicio
    Community Member
    edited May 2014

    Thank you for the recommendations!

    -Restarted 1Password helper, did not resolve

    -Have not uninstalled the extension.....will I lose my logins if I do this?

    -Antivirus, checked the article but no recommendation was given for Avast?

    -disabled all other extensions, did not resolve.

    Thank you!

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @Abicio Can you send us a diagnostics report, please?

    Help > Diagnostics Report > Export to File

    Please include a link to this discussion so that we can "connect the dots"


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    One additional request, @Abicio: Can you make sure the passwords you're saving in Chrome that aren't showing up in the main 1Password program are actually being saved by the 1Password extension and not by Chrome itself (which has its own built-in password-saving feature)?


  • Abicio
    Community Member
    edited May 2014

    @DBrown, it appears as though the Extension for 1Password is saving the passwords. How would I best confirm? The extension is in the upper right of the screen (image of a key). When I click the key which houses the password and click on the settings cogs, the 1Password version is

    @svondutch, I've attached the diagnostics .zip to this discussion for convenience.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    I've deleted your diagnostics report, @Abicio. Please NEVER post them to the forum, as they contain personal information, including license keys.

    Instead, please attach it to an e-mail message sent to, and include a link to this forum thread.


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @DBrown, it appears as though the Extension for 1Password is saving the passwords. How would I best confirm? The extension is in the upper right of the screen (image of a key). When I click the key which houses the password and click on the settings cogs, the 1Password version is

    When you click on the 1Password button in your browser, do you see all the Login items listed?

  • Abicio
    Community Member

    Thank you for pulling DBrown, I've sent the email as requested.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @Abicio, when you click on the 1Password button in your browser, do you see all the expected Login items listed there?

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @Abicio Looking at your report I can see the Chrome extension syncing to the 1Password application. Avast is not blocking things. It surprises me the Chrome extension does not send those items to the 1Password application. The 1Password application is under the impression it already has those items. Are you sure this is not the case?

  • Abicio
    Community Member

    When I use the button in the browser, all of my logins are listed there. When I open the 1password software on my PC, on my Mac on my iPhone the newly added items are not there. 1Password is set to update and sync via dropbox. When I open my dropbox, the last modified date for the 1password file is back in Sept. 2013.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2014

    In 1Password on your PC:

    • What category (in the upper left quadrant) is selected?

    • Is there anything typed in the "find" field (above the list area)?

    In 1Password on your Mac and iPhone:

    • Is Dropbox the selected sync option?

    • What versions of 1Password are you running?

  • Abicio
    Community Member
    edited May 2014

    1Password on PC

    -for the category, logins is selected

    -nothing in the find field

    Mac and Iphone

    -dropbox yes on Mac, not sure of version will check at home

    -iphone, yes for dropbox, the version is 4.5.1

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks, @Abicio. We're struggling to understand what could be going on...

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2014

    @Abicio, please launch Chrome, and go to this URL:

    On the page that appears, please enter the master password for your 1Password data folder, select the Export Everything option, and click the Export button.

    When the page changes, all your Login items that appear in Chrome but not in the main 1Password program appear in a large field with multiple rows, each of which looks like this:


    Copy the entire contents of that field, paste them into a file that you name pretty-much-anything.1pif, and save the file on your Desktop.

    Then launch 1Password, choose File > Import, and locate and select the .1pif file you just created.

    We hope that will get all your Logins into the main 1Password program.

    Then you should save a new Login in the main program and save another one in the 1Password extension to confirm that all are copied back and forth as expected.

    Please let us know how it goes!

  • okimotor
    Community Member
    edited May 2014

    I am having the same problem. Only, I wasn't as wary as Abicio, and I uninstalled/reinstalled the chrome extension. Bad move! Now I cannot login at all in the chrome extension. (And by login, I mean the chrome extension cannot even verify my master password. its as though it is unable to talk to the main application at all.)

    I also assume this means that any new logins or updates I've made recently are lost forever. SUCKS! hopefully those websites have a pretty easy "forgot my password" process, because there's no way I'll remember all my 1Password generated ones.

  • okimotor
    Community Member

    NetNanny was causing the problem for me.

  • grantdoug
    Community Member
    edited May 2014

    I just posted this review on the Chrome store:

    As Linda Gurley has written, the Chrome extension requires repeated re-installation.

    This occurs for me on both OS/X Chrome and Windows 7 Chrome. Now that I know how to correct, I do this everytime:

    1. Delete 1P Extension

    2. Close Chrome

    3. Open 1Password, and use Preferences to Install Chrome Extension (don't use the Chrome Store)

    4. Repeat.. repeat.. repeat..

    Agilebits has three entries on the Chrome Store, which don't indicate the version. That's an annoyance which should be corrected.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @okimotor, can you tell us how you got NetNanny to "play nicely" with 1Password?


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @grantdoug, It sounds like you have Chrome's extension-sync feature enabled, so the 1Password 4 extension from your Mac keeps being copied to Chrome on Windows. Unfortunately, the new 1Password 4 extension for Chrome on the Mac doesn't work with 1Password for Windows. We're working on version 4 of 1Password for Windows, but for now you'll need to disable Chrome's extension-sync feature, uninstall the 1Password extension in Chrome on your PC, and re-install the compatible extension from within 1Password for Windows. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

    Here's an alternative: Those 4.x extensions work fine with 1Password 4 for Windows, currently in beta development. If you're interested, you can join the thousands of people already working with 1Password 4 for Windows by signing up for the beta program here:

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Agilebits has three entries on the Chrome Store, which don't indicate the version. That's an annoyance which should be corrected.

    The Browsers tab of 1Password preferences will always be the surest place to get the browser extensions that are compatible with the version of 1Password you're running.

  • okimotor
    Community Member

    @DBrown‌ sorry this is so late, only just now saw it. I disabled NetNanny once a week or so to allow 1Password to sync all the new info, and just used it like that. At some point NetNanny issued an update that fixed the problem. I've since uninstalled NetNanny because it was pretty terrible for my system in general, and really didn't do what it was supposed to anyways.

  • Hi @okimotor,

    That's okay, we're glad you can update us on that. Thanks a lot for letting us know!

This discussion has been closed.