Some Login items do nothing when selected using IE add-in [Moved to email support]

Community Member
edited May 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Hello, when I try to access some websites I have to manually type an URL or to open 1Password, open the appropriate item and click on the URL to access the website in the IE. When I try to access such website using the tag or folder listing in the extension it does simply nothing.
However those items works in Chrome. Other items work well in both browsers.
An example of the affected web site is
Try to save some login information (test/test is enough to demonstrate the issue), than close the browser, open IE again and try to access the website using the extension.
To see the problem live, please go to
The problem affects 1Password for Windows version


  • Hi @oksoftware,

    We thought we've fixed it, that was a known bug a few versions ago and we've fixed it since.

    Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce it. It is working for me from Tags, Favorites, and any of the folders within the Logins menu in Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1. Can you tell me which version of Windows and Internet Explorer you're using?

    We'd like to see your 1Password diagnostics log when you reproduce this issue. Please use this guide to generate a diagnostic report to email to us and, in the email, also include the link to this thread along with your forum username.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can look for it, and confirm we got the email.

  • oksoftware
    Community Member

    Hi Mike! The problem affects Internet Explorer 11 (build 11.0.9600.17801, the latest one) running on Windows 7 Professional (Czech version). I have just sent you the diagnostic report.

  • Hi @oksoftware,

    We've received your diagnostics report and will get back to you via email shortly.


    ref: #ZPP-59236-439

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2015

    @oksoftware I'm sorry you are having this problem.

    Please repair Internet Explorer. Instructions are here.

    If this doesn't solve the problem, then you might need to reinstall Internet Explorer. Instructions are here.

  • oksoftware
    Community Member

    Hi @svondutch, I am not sure if this can help. I don't really want to loose all my settings :-) as the problem is related to a single add-in only. What's more the issue affects only a minor number of items. All other works well. I have mentioned about three or four URLs of several hundreds that are affected. If you will try to investigate the problem I am ready to help, but I won't reset everything on my programmer's machine. If you are a programmer you probably know what I am talking about.
    Brent Y. also send me some additional advices and I have created a sample vault for him, so I hope it can help.

  • Hi @oksoftware,

    as the problem is related to a single add-in only. What's more the issue affects only a minor number of items.

    We are pushing the boundary of the IE add-on model to the limits, so it would make sure 1Password is one of the few add-ons that can require a reset to fix the issue. We've seen this in the past and it did in fact resolve the issue for many users.

    However, we do understand not wanting to do this. Hopefully, we'll figure out what the problem is with these sites.

    Brent Y. also send me some additional advices and I have created a sample vault for him, so I hope it can help.

    Great, we'll follow up there and see what we can do. I'm going to close this thread, so we can focus in one communication channel at a time rather than duplicating our efforts here and in the email.


This discussion has been closed.