Chrome Autofill not working for site

Community Member
edited May 2022 in 1Password in the Browser

I use Chrome exclusively for web browsing and found this site that does not work with the Autofill plugin.

There is a mini 1Password account on the User/Password fields but no popups for you to select the login account.

1Password Version: 8.7.0
Extension Version: 2.3.3
OS Version: Windows 11


  • alantcy
    Community Member

  • dmnc
    Community Member

    It looks like the new 1password extension disabled Chrome Autofill entirely.

    Under Chrome settings > Autofill > Save and fill addresses the control is greyed out and it says "1Password – Password Manager is controlling this setting".

    The only way to turn it back on seems to be to disable the 1password extension. This seems a bit aggressive. I should surely be able to decide if Chrome auto fills for myself?

  • Hi @alantcy,

    Thanks for sharing the website for me to test. However, it seems 1Password is working correctly there.

    I create a demo GIF to show better show you:

    As shown above, can you try it again and let me know how it goes for you?

  • Hi @dmnc,

    What you mentioned is not related to the current thread. But I'm happy to let you know the workaround:

    By default, 1Password will control the autofill setting in your browser. That said, if you want to use your browser to fill forms, you can try these steps to do put things back to the way they were before:

    1. Right-click 1Password's icon in Chrome's toolbar and click Settings.
    2. Under the "General" section, turn off the "make 1Password the default password manager" option.
    3. Paste the following into Chrome's address bar: chrome://settings/autofill
    4. Click Password and allow Chrome to autofill.
    • Repeat the same step for Payment methods & Addresses and more.

    After the steps above, you'll see the suggestion of 1Password might overlap with Chrome suggestions. Clicking the "ESC" key will close Chrome suggestions first. Clicking the 1Password extension logo will close the 1Password inline menu suggestion.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions!

  • alantcy
    Community Member


    Thanks for creating the gif.

    I noticed you can click on the 1Password icon to access a context menu, which I'm not able to.
    I can however make autofill work for the site by clicking on the extension beside the address bar.
    Additionally, another online banking site (DBS) works with 1Password correctly where a suggested/matching login will popup below the field.
    My Chrome autofill settings are shown below.

  • Hi @alantcy,

    Thanks for the additional info. That's super helpful.

    I revisited the OCBC website and confirmed what you are experiencing. Interestingly enough, the website has two formats of the login page:

    This one is the one that I showed previously, where 1Password works correctly there. I'd suggest you edit your OCBC item and change the website to it. So, you can "Open & Fill" it properly. If you are opening from your bookmark, let's change the bookmark to this URL as well.

    This one is the troubled one. When I inspect the page, I can see that it is built with frameset elements, which 1Password doesn't handle it well. The frameset is actively preventing the 1Password inline menu from showing in the login fields. I've shared this with our development team to determine if we can improve the behaviour for 1Password here. Hopefully, we'll see a fix implemented in a future release.

    ref: dev/core/core#2885

  • alantcy
    Community Member


    sp=true actually loads the SingPass Login tab. The URL works but I would have to click on Access Code to get to the tab that works
    with autofill.
    But thanks to you I found this URL works better -
    So problem solved!


  • Hi @alantcy,

    You're correct. The other URL is the one intended. Thanks for the home run on the issue.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • modeler
    Community Member

    I have the same problem (autofill not working "no items to show"), but with a different banking site. It occurs regardless of which 1PW interface I use (Windows app, FF extension, or my.1password). Using 1PW 8.7.0.

    That's the only site I found with this problem. I'm looking for an alternate login site for this bank.

  • modeler
    Community Member

    I have the same problem (autofill not working "no items to show"), but with a different banking site. It occurs regardless of which 1PW interface I use (Windows app, FF extension, or my.1password). Using 1PW 8.7.0.

    That's the only site I found with this problem. I'm looking for an alternate login site for this bank.

  • Hi @modeler:

    If you navigate directly to the login page for your bank, and then manually fill the details in by searching in the 1Password pop-up in your browser, or the 1Password desktop app, then choose Save in 1Password, does that Login item work from then on?

    Let me know!


  • modeler
    Community Member


    Yes, manual fill works. But it does not auto fill. I get the message "no items to show."

    Same reuslts on both FireFox and Chrome.


  • modeler
    Community Member

    Hello again Jack,

    To answer your question correctly: Yes, I have saved the login when 1PW asked me to do so. Then logins from 1PW, including auto paste, work.

    Sorry for the confusion.


  • Hi @modeler,

    Can you share the website for us to test?

    Looking forward to your reply.

This discussion has been closed.