Filtering "un-filed" items


I'm looking to streamline how I handle passwords in 1Password, and right now it dumps all new ones into the ALL folder. The problem with that is that I cannot see items that haven't been filed away yet into my folder structures.

Is there a way to create a filter that shows me anything that hasn't been put away yet? I cannot determine an efficient way to put things away simply by looking at the ALL folder, as that folder contains hundreds of items, not to mention there's no identifier that I can see which shows me items that have been filed vs. items that haven't been.

Hopefully that makes sense. Maybe there's a setting or something I don't know about yet?


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    There used to be an "Unfiled" Smart Folder by default, but it confused a lot of people. You can recreate it by following the steps in this support article:

    Where is the "Unfiled" folder?

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!

  • ashworth102680
    Community Member

    Man, this is perfect. Worked like a charm. Now I just drag stuff until that folder's empty once a week and I'm golden.

    Any theoretical limit to how many passwords will work efficiently in conjunction with Mac/iOS/Dropbox before the software freaks out?

    I have thousands of passwords in Lastpass that aren't importing as a batch too well, so the plan is to use both for now and phase in 1Password over time with a clean, organized structure.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    I'm glad that did the trick. Thanks for letting me know. :)

    There are definitely many users with thousands of items. There really is no limit. The data format is designed to scale essentially infinitely with no performance hit.

    I hope that helps. Keep me posted if you have any other questions or concerns.


  • leesweet
    Community Member

    Okay, stupid question. How does this differ from the 'Unassigned' folder in the PC version? I assume that the two versions of 1P3 are identical (as much as they can be, on the two platforms). Not so?

    I went to do this (create Unfiled) and saw I already had an Unassigned folder on my PC version. I've not checked my Mac.... :)

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    The "Unassigned" Smart Folder in 1Password for Windows is the same as the old "Unfiled" Smart Folder in 1Password for Mac which you can recreate by following the steps above. :)

  • leesweet
    Community Member

    Gotcha... didn't know they had that sort of difference between the two, thanks!

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    It would make sense if they had the same name, but since it needs to be manually created in 1Password for Mac anyway, you could just call that one "Unassigned" too. :D

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