Universal Autofill isn't working in Vivaldi on the Mac

This discussion was created from comments split from: I want to use 1Password normally on Vivaldi (Mac).


  • nomadism
    Community Member

    Hi, also stumbled on this post - I have the same problem. Universal Autofill works fine on Firefox, but not on Vivaldi.

    I have the most recent version of the two

    Vivaldi: 6.7.3329.17 (Stable channel) (arm64)
    1password: 1Password for Mac 8.10.30 (81030032)

    How can I provide more information to make things work?

  • Dave_1P

    Hello @nomadism! 👋

    I'm sorry that Universal Autofill isn't working properly with Vivaldi. Can you tell me a little more about what specifically is happening when you invoke Universal Autofill on a website in Vivaldi and then try to fill a login? Do you receive any error messages? Or does nothing happen at all?

    Our developers do have a few different issues open related to the Vivaldi and I want to identify if you might be running into one of these known issues.


    ref: dev/core/core#19956
    ref: dev/core/core#15032

  • nomadism
    Community Member

    Sorry if I'm not using the proper thread. Basically, when I invoke the Universal Autofill, nothing happens at all. I have to click the id/password feed to let 1P work.