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Forum Discussion
Former Member
3 years ago1P 8 Unlocking Multiple Vaults
In the past, unlocking your Master Vault would unlock ALL your vaults. This is no longer the case in 1Password 8, and it makes it kind of difficult.
We now have to unlock each vault individually. If we're using multiple vaults, this is a big hassle. Can you please revert this behavior?
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
- andrew_l_1P
1Password Team
Hi folks,
Thanks for all your insight here. I don't have any updates to share at the moment, but I will pass on your feedback about the visibility of which accounts are unlocked.
It was already linked in this thread but if anyone hasn't already, I encourage you to read this post from our Principal Security Architect on this topic:
Let us know if you have any questions in the meantime.
ref: PB-30996923
- cssmith07Occasional Contributor
I would like to add my *HUGE *dissatisfaction around this removed functionality to 1PW8. I discovered this LOSS when I upgrade 1 of my PCs to Version 8. And since then, I am NOT upgrading any other computers, nor iphone apps to Version 8 due to this fact. I am keeping my Version 7 until it is added back. Forcing users to use the same password on multiple accounts completely violates the entire purpose and strength of 1PW (independent of your strong architecture). It adds risks period!
1PSWD has been built on LISTENING to your user base. Don't loose focus on that! PLEASE provide an update on WHEN this functionality will be restored....
- deviantintegralOccasional Contributor
This is still an issue with the current releases.
We get support requests from our team because there's no indication that their work vault is still locked in the autofill UI. As well, it's not clear in the app that setting the same vault password would change this behaviour. Are there any updates on this?
- Former Member
I am also planning on reverting back to 1Password 7 because of this change in functionality. It's super frustrating, and the suggested workarounds are not for me.
- Former Member
I would also like to voice my dissatisfaction with this change. Having a user toggle enabling multi-account sign-in by unlocking just one of the accounts already on a device is preferable to changing the Master Password for all the accounts to just be the same. And no, TouchID is not a solution.
- Former Member
I'm with you @nickjbedford ! This current situation is a huge pain for those of us having to deal with multiple vaults. I'm sick and tired of constantly having to log into 4 vaults each having their own unique and secure password. Changing them all to a single password is not an acceptable solution as they are not all owned by me. Also that's a terrible solution no matter the situation, 1Password 8 really seems like 1 step forward and 2 steps back to me. I hope that the 1PW team can see that there should at least be a configuration option to revert to the prior behavior of having a master account that can unlock all vaults automatically.
- Former Member
I posted here too for my input:
I'd like to also add my dissatisfaction with the unlocking situation in 1Password 8. Advising people to use the same password for personal and work accounts is terrible advice. I'm a software/web developer and understand the ins and outs of secure coding, encryption and passwords.
Not everyone has Touch ID to enable multi-unlock, and no one should ever use the same master password for multiple accounts. This violates everything 1Password stands for. But having a regression in user experience like this and not listening to the feedback, claiming that you know better, is really disappointing. This helpful time-saving feature existed in several previous versions of the software.
At least you could provide it as an opt-in setting to allow one account (designated by the user) to unlock the others.
It's quite easy to implement as far as I'm concerned. One primary account password encrypts the passwords to the secondary accounts, and auto-unlocks them when you provide the primary password.
- Former Member
(this won't solve some of the anger in this thread, but...) I'd still press that even inside the current constraints of the system, you should make it very clear to the user that not all vaults are unlocked. It completely breaks the product (for me) to have my work locked and personal unlocked (or vice versa).
Again, this still sucks, but at least I wouldn't unwittingly end up in a broken state.
- andrew_l_1P
1Password Team
Thanks for your reply, Peter_Agocs. I can definitely see how a hardware solution could be a good alternative and have recorded your feedback. 👍🏻
ref: IDEA-I-853
- Peter_AgocsNew Contributor
I understand what @Roustem said but I am personally not comfortable to use same password on a private and an another corporate account. For me the HW key support idea could be perfect solution.