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Forum Discussion

Former Member's avatar
Former Member
3 years ago

1password 8 for Mac: Restore previous functionality present in ver. 7

Dear Sirs,

I would like some very useful features present in version 7 to be restored:

1) the possibility to choose which default vault to save the credentials to be restored. With version 8 they are saved in the private without the possibility of being able to change the default.
1password extension has this feature, but the mail app does not.

2) all Vaults: in version 8 the possibility of searching for elements on all vaults has been inhibited. Only one vault must always be selected and the "(all)" item from the Vault section has been deleted

3) reorganization of the properties of an element: in version 7, in each item it was possible to move the fields within a section in the most desired way and it was also possible to take them outside the section

4) icons: in version 7 the icon assigned to an element could be resized in a customized way. Now the icon is inserted and adapted by the application without being able to intervene and correct incorrect resizing

5) Tag: tag autocomplete is been removed. I would like it to be restored.

Thank you


1Password Version: 8.7.3
Extension Version: 2.3.6
OS Version: macOS 12.4
Browser:_ Safari

  • Jack_P_1P's avatar
    Icon for 1Password Team rank1Password Team

    Hey @gurmy:

    Thanks for your detailed feedback! While I can't promise anything, I've shared your thoughts about configuring a default save vault with the team.

    ref: IDEA-I-292

    As focher mentioned (thanks for the assist!) collections are like All Vaults, but you can make different sets for various purposes. For example, I have a Daily Driver collection containing my personal vault from my personal 1Password account, and just a couple of my work vaults. Additionally I have a Testing collection containing a few test vaults I use for testing Login items.

    While I can't share any specifics, reordering fields within an item is on our radar.

    As for tag autocomplete, are you referring to adding a tag to an item in 1Password in the browser, or the 1Password desktop app? Tag autocomplete is available in the 1Password desktop app:

    Let me know!


  • d_stone's avatar
    New Contributor

    I agree with Luca's points and would like to see an application with more features again. 1Password 8 is unfortunately a huge step back.

  • focher's avatar
    New Contributor

    On item 1, I agree and miss this functionality.

    On item 2, if I understand what you're looking for I believe this is now replaced with the Collections functionality. You can create a new Collection and specify which vaults to use within that Collection. Apologies if that isn't what you are looking for.

    I'm a bit surprised at the number of things that regressed in v8, but I guess it is what it is.