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Forum Discussion

ktnjared's avatar
New Contributor
4 days ago

1Password Settings does not respect Always Show Scroll Bars system setting

I have found that the Settings do not currently respect the Always Show Scroll Bars preference in macOS.

# macOS version
$ os-release
Darwin macOS 15.3.1 24D70 arm64

# macOS Scroll Bar Setting
$ defaults find "AppleShowScrollBars"
Found 1 keys in domain 'Apple Global Domain': {
    AppleShowScrollBars = Always;

# 1Password desktop version
$ defaults read /Applications/ CFBundleShortVersionString

The main 1Password window does. But under the Settings pane, for example in the Browsers tab, Connect to additional browers has 4 items in it, however there is no scroll bar shown until you mouseover the listview iteself.

1Password and Settings without mouseOver

1Password and Settings with mouseOver on listview

I wasn't able to see where to file a bug report, so I figured a Community Discussion post was the next best thing. If there is a place to file a proper bug, please let me know so I can do so.

  • Hello ktnjared! 👋

    I'm sorry that 1Password isn't respecting the Always show scroll bars setting in macOS. I can confirm that the setting appears to be respected in the main 1Password window but not secondary windows like the Settings window or when opening items in a new window.

    I've filed a bug report with our development team so that they can look into this further. Thank you for reporting the issue! 



  • Hello ktnjared! 👋

    I'm sorry that 1Password isn't respecting the Always show scroll bars setting in macOS. I can confirm that the setting appears to be respected in the main 1Password window but not secondary windows like the Settings window or when opening items in a new window.

    I've filed a bug report with our development team so that they can look into this further. Thank you for reporting the issue! 

