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Forum Discussion
4 years agoSuper Contributor
This discussion was created from comments split from: 1PW8 for macOS.
Former Member
4 years agoSorry, but I agree with what everyone else has said - Electron is the wrong way to go. I'm highly disappointed. You have reduced your app to "just another web app" in order to "support more old macOS versions". Really? You don't support enough already? 1PW 7 is so bad that those on older machines can't use it anymore? After paying a premium for your product as a yearly subscription, it feels like you've cheaped out on us. You're even writing the iOS client natively, but not macOS. I'm stunned.
And with the rapid adoption of macOS in general when a new version comes out, what an opportunity to really make the best native app using SwiftUI. Let 1PW 7 take care of those who can't upgrade. New macOS 11 and updated SwiftUI, great to time to take the next step, and up your game. And if you had written a blog post that said "although many folks wanted to go the easy route and use Electron, we decided to maintain our macOS app as native, moving it forward with Apple' technologies and connecting to our fantastic new Rust backend." That would have been extra loyalty points. And since you are subscription based now, there is not the desperate push for people to upgrade - funding is already rolling in.
I pay a premium for macOS hardware and the excellent design of the human interface. If you're releasing your product free of charge, by all means save some money and use Electron. But not I'm paying premium money for use on my premium system for you to cheap out.
Honestly, since you've been in the Mac community for so long, I'm surprised you thought this would be acceptable. Either put the proper investment into the UI, or I will take my hard earned cash somewhere else. If you are unwilling to be loyal to the platform, don't expect customers to be loyal in return.
Sincerely I hope you rethink this decision, because I love the software. "Automatically install updates" now turned off.